"Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it.
Blessed is the man who listens to me,
watching daily at my doors,
waiting at my doorway."
Proverbs 8:33-34 NIV
My first book "Confessions of a pastors wife: He speaks can you hear Him?" (which I am thrilled to say is due out in October!) was given to me by the Lord. I had no intention of writing a book before the day that the Lord "spoke it into me." Many times we are hearing the Lord speak something directly into our Spirit. We really need to learn that we have a Spirit that is divinely connected to Christ Jesus, who is divinely connected to our God. When Jesus left His humanness behind He promised to leave us with the Holy Spirit. He did this in order for each of us to be able to "connect" with Him.
When I began the writing of this book the above Scripture was given to me by the Lord immediately so that I would be sure to listen to Him and not ignore Him. He knows our tendency to ignore Him when He has given us a huge task to do. He knows that we don't feel capable on our own to do what He has asked of us. He's telling us it would be wise of us to listen, and that we will be blessed for doing so. I think that a large part of society wonders why they have an emptiness in their lives, wondering what their purpose is and why they don't experience the blessing of fulfillment. I would venture to say that it's because they are not listening to the voice of the Lord. Therefore, missing out on working in tandem with Him, missing out on the blessings that would be given if they would.
The last part of the passage says "watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway." Oooh, I love this! He has doors of opportunity just waiting to swing wide open for you if only you were there daily watching with expectancy and faith in what our awesome God is going to do with you!
Listen to Him, He still speaks today, to you, and to me! Be wise and don't ignore it! Experience the full blessing of what He wants you to have!
I will leave you with this final Scripture passage and I ask you to meditate on both of them, hear what He has to say to you...
"This is My Son, My Chosen;
Listen to Him!
Luke 9:35
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