So, what does having an “Awakened Life” or “Holy Spirit-connected life” mean? It means to live wholly holy. Don’t think that Jesus expects this way of living as “having to be perfect”… For me, it means to be completely in step with the Holy Spirit, to make a choice for Christ. Within that choice is an amazing freedom. He carries our burdens, instills us with His Holy Spirit! This is amazing love! This is the ultimate in creative intelligence.
Keeping in step with the Spirit takes active concentration, commitment, and discipline. Unfortunately, many people (including myself) can pay attention to so many other things that keep us from living and walking with the Holy Spirit. One of those obstacles is pride, which CS Lewis says, “is spiritual cancer that eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense.”
It’s been said, and I believe this with my whole heart; that we speak to God with every word and breath that we release. And with each and every breath we breathe in He makes Himself known to us. After all He is the breath of life. We are never apart or separated from God, although we can miss “hearing him speak to us” if we are not tuned in to His message. Too often we tune Him out, like so many other things in our lives.
From my heart to your heart…I want for you to be in connection with the Lord, the giver of life, who stretched out his arms on the cross, and offered himself, a perfect sacrifice for you and the whole world, so that you would have life everlasting.
He has joy for you, plans for you to prosper, and to love, even in the midst of struggle. I want to give of you hope and joy in your journey. The choice to live in every moment with love, faith, and glorious expectation is mine and yours! Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from living in the glory that the Holy Spirit provides.
For those of you who have God given dreams, keep dreaming. Make sure that you dream big enough dreams that you must include God!! Push beyond the limits of your comfort zone! You do realize where those dreams come from don't you? Do you trust where they originate? Step out in faith, don’t just sit there sitting on your dream, embrace it! Love it, and live it!
What are you doing with your mind? How are you choosing to live your life? What thoughts, what character do you want or do you long for? What kind of leader do you want to be? What changes do you need to make to be that kind of leader? Be transformed by the renewing of your mind!
As a Life Coach, I partner with you (check out my website www.AwakeningsLifeCoaching.com) in discovering the dreams God has given you and I encourage those I coach to begin praying, about the plan that the Lord has. Always pray about the choices you make and why you make them. My prayer for you is to Awaken your Spirit, transform your life into a breathtaking and joyous, Holy Spirit life! Live for God, because He lives for you!
"If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit"~
Gal 5:25
"He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple."~
Isaiah 50:4b
My prayer for you is to Awaken your Spirit, transform your life into a breathtaking and joyous, Holy Spirit life! Live for God, because He lives for you, I know this to be true! Listen with ears to hear, a heart prepared, eyes gazing up into the clouds, and experience the enormity of His love! Dream, pray, bask in His glory; discover the beauty He has just for you! Discovery is one of the best parts of the journey!
Here's to your Spirit being Awakened each morning by His voice!
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