What voices are you listening to in your head? Those voices can be life-giving, or death-giving. This makes a HUGE difference in how you function in your life. What do you want, who do you want to be? Who do you want to listen to? God speaks into your life if you will listen to Him. He wants to give you life, fully and abundantly.
What came immediately to your mind when you read the title of this blog? This question is prudent to ask. I believe that in order for us to experience our lives in the most positive way we need to examine this question. This question needs to be posed and pointed to the many facets of our lives. Lets take a few of the facets and review this question in regard to them. But before we do let us read the following Scripture passage...
"Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!" 1 Samuel 25:6
Many times when we are in the work place environment we behave as professionals, careful with the way we respond to those around us. Careful not to offend, careful to be respectful of others, careful to work diligently on our projects at hand. The opposite could also be true. Many folks can be offensive, trying to Lord over those that they supervise, demanding respect that has not yet been earned. Are you living a "life"-style or a "death"-style in your endeavors?
Grace or No Grace? Do you allow for grace among your employees, and not with your family or vice versa? Do you you provide yourself and others with good "mental" "spiritual" "physical" health?
Do you feel like you have been living this way so long that it is too late to change? Do you believe that the people you "lead" would not welcome a change in your "style" of leadership? Wouldn't it be a huge relief to let go of the heavy handedness?
Ask yourself the following questions and pray about the changes you want in your life.
- What do you want LESS of in your life? (make a list)
- What do you want MORE of in your life? (make a list)
- To live more fully into your LIFE-style what is the first change you are going to make and when will you commit to making the change?
I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now, CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your children may live. Deuteronomy 30:19
Value yourself and all of those that the Lord has placed in your life. Take the time to journal the above questions. Commit to no longer live a "death"-style, but to live a "life"-style...
Praying for you in your "life-full" journey!
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