Kathryn Bonner – Spiritwalker -
Founder of www.WomenofPassionatePurpose.com
“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25
I See You. Your invisibility catches my Spiritualeyes; you are not invisible to me.
Your desire to become, speaks to my heart.
I am a woman who coaches you to fly at a pace that is beautiful, exciting, sacred and safe. Becoming you becomes you!
I have a heart that beats for women who somehow over the course of time have unknowingly allowed their lives to become somewhat invisible.
I see each woman who has been “cocooning” for a multitude of reasons, like busyness, protection of self, fear, shame, exhaustion, betrayal or from experiencing a broken heart…
My heart beats for the woman who is yearning and beginning to awaken, longing to emerge from the deep sleep of life unending, longing to spread her beautiful butterfly wings again.
I See You. I know that there are many many seasons to the life of a woman, and I know that things have happened to you over the course of time. I realize that you have packed up the most favorite parts of yourself as you walk this journey. You have packed up and put away the sacred parts of yourself, your creativity, your purpose, your passion, your giggles and glee, your Sacred Spirit, your most treasured and majestic parts of yourself so that you would not to be damaged again, for your own protection of course.
I See You. I know that through your own protectiveness and in the packing up of yourself, you have lost the beautiful pieces and parts of yourself, not even remembering what you’ve packed away or where you packed them.
I See You. I know you are searching for who you are, for your magical and mystical parts of yourself, where have these parts of you gone?!
I See You. I see your shoulders slumped over in defeat, giving up, yet longing to feel fully alive, to become awakened! You yearn to find what you know is missing.
I See You. I see how beautifully you put your children and family first. I know how much you love them and want the very best for them. I love the way you care for them! I recognize the exquisite peacemaker you are. I love the way you are the first one to be there for others when they are in need. I love the way that you are dependable and such a reliable friend. I love the way so many others love you and need you. I love all of the pieces and parts of you that you have let out and never packed up!
I See You. I see your hurts, and praise the way you never took your pain out on anyone else because you would never ever want anyone to experience the same kind of pain you have.
I See You, the woman of love that you are, always there to help another in need, clothing someone when they are limited, feeding others when they are hungry, listening to the story of others who have broken hearts, praying for so many in need. You are the protector and defender of many.
I See You. I see you longing to emerge from the safety of your cocoon… I see you starting to poke your head out, looking around for your beauty, wondering if your beautiful butterfly wings will take you to new creative and sacred spaces.
I See You Emerging! You have learned much, grown in wisdom, and you have a powerful and spiritual story. Your life matters. Your wisdom, joy and light are coming to life!
I See You Emerging! You are finding your voice! You giggle again as you notice yourself emerging!
I See You Emerging! You are not invisible! Your dreams are alive; you find your voice by beginning to write! You have some ink-lings of what and how your life will materialize, you don’t know the end result and now you laugh again because it really doesn’t matter, what matters is you are beginning, beginning to take flight!
Spiritualeyes of yours are opening!
You See You! “Now” you say, “now is the time for me to rise!”
You know that everything that was once packed away has simply been reshaped, redefined. It’s time to unpack, to live, to renew, to be fully you!