EARLY BIRD PRICING: Investment of $67.00 for the 4 week/hour sessions! THROUGH FRIDAY JUNE 3rd ONLY! PRICES INCREASE SATURDAY JUNE 4TH: Investment of $97.00 - REGISTER NOW! www.WppiUIgnite.com
In "Group Coaching” ignited ideas flow and in this type of environment you will discover that this is a wonderful place that you and a group of amazing Christian women come together in a sort of laboratory for learning and living BRAVER! Each of you will be growing and discovering amazing key concepts about certain ways to create. It’s a group of us Christian women, learning, incorporating an instructional design, group dynamics, accountability, brainstorming and SO much more. Each Coach from Women of Passionate Purpose Int’l.– (WPPI) creates a variety of styles which allows each group coaching session to flow with dynamic group conversation that is rich in learning and personal insights! I recommend these coaching sessions for anyone who wants to gain confidence, knowledge and resources in preparation for living life with great intention. As you begin to live into the place of possibility, more and more ideas flow from the group and from the coach! The Spirit truly does live and move here.
We are offering many different Group Coaching session surrounding select topics with a variety of coaches. Go to WPPI University at www.WppiUIgnite.com and BROWSE the COURSES to find out about the array of Coaching Groups available. These Group Coaching offerings are affordable so that you might choose to join more than one coaching group.
You will find that as you enter into the 4 week / hour group coaching sessions that you will begin to:
- · Accelerate your productivity and your performance
- · Navigate Change as easily as possible
- · Explore and leverage your powerful capabilities
- · Enhance the journey of living your life with the attitude of possibility
- · Increase positivity in your life
- · Create a vision framework around your passion and purpose
- · Expand upon the kind of impact you want to begin having in this world
- · Start Igniting your WOW!
- · New and fresh ideas will come to you more and more as you become open and passionate.
- · Begin living your BIG DREAM!
- · You will start living outside of the box!

Live outside of the box! www.WppiUIgnite.com