Legacies, what a beautiful word! Gifts we pass to our children, and to the coming generations! The funny thing about legacies is that we are living them every day; we just don’t leave them behind the end of our lives. Legacies come in very small packages and memories as well as very large ones. Sometimes the smallest things we do and say leave the most lasting impact in the lives of our children and grandchildren don’t they? Sometimes it is not even in what is said or done, but in what we don’t say or don’t do.
Last summer we took a family vacation to the shore, it was truly one of wonder and joy!
One of our favorite memories was sitting on the beach building sand castles! What a joy to sit with my grandkids, hear the song of the sea gulls and feel the breezes blowing on our faces! As we dug and built our castle what joy to find the treasures of sand crabs! What delight to hear the laughter and squeals of sheer joy as we chased them into our buckets! As this perfect day came to a close and we were packing for home I looked back to see the tide wash our beautiful castle out to the magical sea. I was reminded how quickly things change and how fast the kids grow up; it really is in just a blink! We have today; let’s make it count with memories of joy and wonder!

Summer is a magical time for children and families with time off from school, no homework and vacations! Lets be legacy builders this summer, purpose each day to create a fun, lasting memory - it can be as small as making sugar cookies together!! God gave us our five senses; let’s use them all in creative ways to bring beautiful legacies to our home! I still hear the laughter and smell the funnel cake!!!