Thursday, June 30, 2011
"Come Spiritwalking with Me!" Introducing My Daily Radio Show!
Legacy Builders by Terri Jones - WPPI Team

Legacies, what a beautiful word! Gifts we pass to our children, and to the coming generations! The funny thing about legacies is that we are living them every day; we just don’t leave them behind the end of our lives. Legacies come in very small packages and memories as well as very large ones. Sometimes the smallest things we do and say leave the most lasting impact in the lives of our children and grandchildren don’t they? Sometimes it is not even in what is said or done, but in what we don’t say or don’t do.
Last summer we took a family vacation to the shore, it was truly one of wonder and joy!
One of our favorite memories was sitting on the beach building sand castles! What a joy to sit with my grandkids, hear the song of the sea gulls and feel the breezes blowing on our faces! As we dug and built our castle what joy to find the treasures of sand crabs! What delight to hear the laughter and squeals of sheer joy as we chased them into our buckets! As this perfect day came to a close and we were packing for home I looked back to see the tide wash our beautiful castle out to the magical sea. I was reminded how quickly things change and how fast the kids grow up; it really is in just a blink! We have today; let’s make it count with memories of joy and wonder!

Summer is a magical time for children and families with time off from school, no homework and vacations! Lets be legacy builders this summer, purpose each day to create a fun, lasting memory - it can be as small as making sugar cookies together!! God gave us our five senses; let’s use them all in creative ways to bring beautiful legacies to our home! I still hear the laughter and smell the funnel cake!!!
My Amazing Journey via God! by Kathryn Bonner - WPPI Founder

God has had me on this amazing journey! As I begin my brand new Radio Show here in Austin, Texas on KLGO – The Word – 99.3 / 98.5 FM each day Monday – Friday at 2:30pm Central Time. Also streaming live
God has had me exploring Him in so many new and amazing ways, ways that cause me to stand in awe of His majesty, His ability, His love, His extravagance pouring out and over me, all of us! He causes me to want to explore more and more of who He is, how He creates, how he prepares the way, how He opens and closes doors just so that I can see Him as The Almighty One. How I love our Lord, our Great Mountain Moving God! I am exploring His Word, so sacred and holy. Through the Scriptures I am exploring variations of the word “ROOT.” Such an amazing study He is blessing me with.
This morning’s study came from the verses 2 Timothy 1:12-14 “This message I have been set apart to proclaim as preacher, emissary and teacher. It is also the cause of all this trouble I am in. But I have no regrets. I couldn’t be more sure of my ground – the One I’ve trusted in can take care of what He’s trusted me to do right to The End. So keep at your work, this faith and love, ROOTED in Christ, exactly as I set it out for you. It’s as sound as they day you first heard it from me. Guard this precious thing placed in your custody by the Holy Spirit who works in us.”
How beautiful that He had me read this verse today, the day before my show “Come Spiritwalking with Kathryn Bonner” (that’s what we’ve named the show) He has this amazing verse for me! The title of my show reveals that My God is first, He and I are united – we go together – I never want to leave Him out. The verse above reveals five treasures for me:
1. His Spirit leads me.
2. He blesses me as I step out, way out of my comfort zone, to proclaim who He is, to know that there will be places where I am wondering what it the world am I doing?
3. To trust Him to take care of it.
4. I am rooted in Him.
5. To guard this precious ministry with absolute love and devotion to Him.
I pray you join me on this new journey in my life. I ask for your prayers as I explore and become more and more ignited in His calling upon my life and let us transform into His likeness more and more each day! Let us live braver and brighter and with more love than ever before! Thank you for joining with me. Let me know how I can be in prayer with and for you as well. Spiritwalking with you!
Rooted in Christ,
Do You Know What Your Purpose Is? Want to Find Out in Four Easy Steps?
(Please note that when you go to the site to get your 4 easy steps it is best to use GOOGLE CHROME as your browser (not Internet Explorer).
Ignite Your Writing Passion at Your Own Purposeful Pace!
Check out this video that explains it all.
Do You Long Write in a Sacred Place? Join Us For a Writers Retreat Haven!
Watch this video we created that talks about this wonderful and God filled retreat.
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kathryn Bonner – Spiritwalker -
Founder of
“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25
I See You. Your invisibility catches my Spiritualeyes; you are not invisible to me.
Your desire to become, speaks to my heart.
I am a woman who coaches you to fly at a pace that is beautiful, exciting, sacred and safe. Becoming you becomes you!
I have a heart that beats for women who somehow over the course of time have unknowingly allowed their lives to become somewhat invisible.
I see each woman who has been “cocooning” for a multitude of reasons, like busyness, protection of self, fear, shame, exhaustion, betrayal or from experiencing a broken heart…
My heart beats for the woman who is yearning and beginning to awaken, longing to emerge from the deep sleep of life unending, longing to spread her beautiful butterfly wings again.
I See You. I know that there are many many seasons to the life of a woman, and I know that things have happened to you over the course of time. I realize that you have packed up the most favorite parts of yourself as you walk this journey. You have packed up and put away the sacred parts of yourself, your creativity, your purpose, your passion, your giggles and glee, your Sacred Spirit, your most treasured and majestic parts of yourself so that you would not to be damaged again, for your own protection of course.
I See You. I know that through your own protectiveness and in the packing up of yourself, you have lost the beautiful pieces and parts of yourself, not even remembering what you’ve packed away or where you packed them.
I See You. I know you are searching for who you are, for your magical and mystical parts of yourself, where have these parts of you gone?!
I See You. I see your shoulders slumped over in defeat, giving up, yet longing to feel fully alive, to become awakened! You yearn to find what you know is missing.
I See You. I see how beautifully you put your children and family first. I know how much you love them and want the very best for them. I love the way you care for them! I recognize the exquisite peacemaker you are. I love the way you are the first one to be there for others when they are in need. I love the way that you are dependable and such a reliable friend. I love the way so many others love you and need you. I love all of the pieces and parts of you that you have let out and never packed up!
I See You. I see your hurts, and praise the way you never took your pain out on anyone else because you would never ever want anyone to experience the same kind of pain you have.
I See You, the woman of love that you are, always there to help another in need, clothing someone when they are limited, feeding others when they are hungry, listening to the story of others who have broken hearts, praying for so many in need. You are the protector and defender of many.
I See You. I see you longing to emerge from the safety of your cocoon… I see you starting to poke your head out, looking around for your beauty, wondering if your beautiful butterfly wings will take you to new creative and sacred spaces.
I See You Emerging! You have learned much, grown in wisdom, and you have a powerful and spiritual story. Your life matters. Your wisdom, joy and light are coming to life!
I See You Emerging! You are finding your voice! You giggle again as you notice yourself emerging!
I See You Emerging! You are not invisible! Your dreams are alive; you find your voice by beginning to write! You have some ink-lings of what and how your life will materialize, you don’t know the end result and now you laugh again because it really doesn’t matter, what matters is you are beginning, beginning to take flight!
Spiritualeyes of yours are opening!
You See You! “Now” you say, “now is the time for me to rise!”
You know that everything that was once packed away has simply been reshaped, redefined. It’s time to unpack, to live, to renew, to be fully you!
Friday, June 3, 2011

EARLY BIRD PRICING: Investment of $67.00 for the 4 week/hour sessions! THROUGH FRIDAY JUNE 3rd ONLY! PRICES INCREASE SATURDAY JUNE 4TH: Investment of $97.00 - REGISTER NOW!
In "Group Coaching” ignited ideas flow and in this type of environment you will discover that this is a wonderful place that you and a group of amazing Christian women come together in a sort of laboratory for learning and living BRAVER! Each of you will be growing and discovering amazing key concepts about certain ways to create. It’s a group of us Christian women, learning, incorporating an instructional design, group dynamics, accountability, brainstorming and SO much more. Each Coach from Women of Passionate Purpose Int’l.– (WPPI) creates a variety of styles which allows each group coaching session to flow with dynamic group conversation that is rich in learning and personal insights! I recommend these coaching sessions for anyone who wants to gain confidence, knowledge and resources in preparation for living life with great intention. As you begin to live into the place of possibility, more and more ideas flow from the group and from the coach! The Spirit truly does live and move here.
We are offering many different Group Coaching session surrounding select topics with a variety of coaches. Go to WPPI University at and BROWSE the COURSES to find out about the array of Coaching Groups available. These Group Coaching offerings are affordable so that you might choose to join more than one coaching group.
You will find that as you enter into the 4 week / hour group coaching sessions that you will begin to:
- · Accelerate your productivity and your performance
- · Navigate Change as easily as possible
- · Explore and leverage your powerful capabilities
- · Enhance the journey of living your life with the attitude of possibility
- · Increase positivity in your life
- · Create a vision framework around your passion and purpose
- · Expand upon the kind of impact you want to begin having in this world
- · Start Igniting your WOW!
- · New and fresh ideas will come to you more and more as you become open and passionate.
- · Begin living your BIG DREAM!
- · You will start living outside of the box!

Live outside of the box!
A Muse Flash!

A muse is something that we all hear about, and so many strange connotations arise in our minds when we think of a muse. Some of the amusing definitions I’ve heard are “mermaid-like creatures who whisper words and music into the listening ears of reclining Greek men” and “those glowing crystals in Arizona that are supposed to deepen your insight.” The most popular definition of a muse is “a goddess who inspires a creative artist, especially a painter, writer or a poet.”
Now as Christian writers, we know who our true Muse is, don’t we?
Our Muse is the amazing and powerful Holy Spirit who lives and dwells within each of us. As we all journey and deepen our relationship with our Creator, we surrender to the flow of the Spirit.
In doing so, we can be certain that amazing surprises will show up in our writing. Be open to them because God is going do new things in you on a continual basis and you won’t want to miss any of it! Oh, my Sacred Circle Sister, I don’t want you to miss any of His Holy Spirit whispers! Your beautiful inner butterfly scribe begins to materialize and sprout wings as you grow with God! Promise yourself the joy of meeting with God daily. Crave this time with Him. Embrace it. Love it. Time with the Holy Spirit is so good… soak in His wisdom, His sacred whispers.
Musings of the Majestic,
Kathryn Bonner – founder
Come with us on the journey of writing…
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Join us for the LIVE On-line Tele-Course every Monday night in June!!
Somebody told me that this course interferes with the show “The Bachelorette” on Monday nights explaining that the show just started and they really wanted to watch it! I know how she has been putting her dream of writing off, so I said, “You know it’s interesting to me that you are going to sit there and watch a show about OTHER people making their DREAMS COME TRUE, rather than making YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!” She said “Oh my gosh, you are right! I haven’t even thought about it that way!” I said you can DVR it or go watch it later for FREE on where they record all TV shows! You won’t have to miss it!” She realized that she had her own personal priorities out of balance. Well she has signed up for the course and she is diving in with a new passion for her life!! How ‘bout you? Are you ready to dive in, ignite your life and start taking in part in your God-given dreams? Join us on the adventure of a life time!
Check out what many of the other women have said about this course!
Watch the video testimonial!
And read some of the raving reviews!
Information regarding each class in the course:
Whether you are a novice or are completely adept in your writing we will take this sacred journey together of Igniting the Writer Within, sharing in the joining of the Red Thread Ceremonies collectively in One Spirit… You do not have to be perfect in your endeavors as a writer, I just want you to release that, in fact perfect is boring and has no use… let it go. I prefer the real you, the you that can sometimes be messy, and raw and allow the creative to flow… let the basket case parts of you come to life in your writing. Let the tuggings of your heart lead you… beg for your truth to come out so that you don’t feel as though you have to keep up any kind of appearances with me, or any of our WPPI Sacred Circle Sisters and especially to yourself. Sing, breathe, let your writing go… love your truth… let it flutter with your beautiful emerging butterfly wings.
The following sections are covered in the in this section:
It is through this class that you will begin to really see your writing project take shape. Exciting! We will be discussing everything from different formats of writing to mapping out your writing schedule to solidifying your subject. And, you will no longer fear the infamous “writer’s block” after this class is over! Let’s get going with Ignite and Write!
The following sections are covered in the IGNITE & WRITE Course:
Where is my FLO-JO? What is my FLO-JO? Join us in finding your personal inspirations! What are the passions that drive you to want to stay up late, pull over in traffic or wake you up at night??? This class will give you the tools and inspiration to dive into the writing frenzy of your heart! Get your dancing shoes on, we are going to rock the night away!!!
The following sections are covered in this course:
DANCE THE TANGO A LA PEN! (Creativity Galore!)
Stoke means to stir up and feed (a fire or furnace); To feed fuel to and tend the fire of (a furnace). You will hear the saying, “stoking the flame” or “stoking the fire” throughout this class. That is what we plan to help you do with your writing dreams. The topic of my focus for this section is “Stir Up the Flame.” I want you to leave here stirred up to fan your writing ideas into flame in order to come ablaze!!
The following sections are covered in the STOKE IT Course:
FANNING THE FLAME (Saying No to Naysayers)
Here is to living YOUR DREAMS out loud,
Kathryn Bonner - founder
Life Purpose Coaching with Kathryn Bonner
Success Coach/Author of "Confessions of a Pastor's Wife" & the CD of "In The Potter's Hands" a guided Biblical Meditation. and