Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thoughts on Dreams and Dreaming

I have many God-given dreams and fewer actual dreams that I dream at night.
When I do dream during my sleep most of them are from God and very profound. Well I had one of those very profound dreams Tuesday night, I think it was Wednesday morning, because when I awoke I was just finishing the dream...

Before I share the dream I am going to do a bit of back tracking first.

God seems to drop ONE single word into my Spirit from time to time, and when He does I will type that single word into and find each and every Scripture verse with that word in it and do my own personal study. I print out the pages with all of the Scriptures on them, then proceed to study them each day, writing out the verse in my journal, then writing beneath the Scripture what God is speaking to me, teaching me and what is applicable to me. One of the words that I have done a study on is the word DOOR(S)... I loved doing this study!

There is one Scripture that I want to share with you here, now. It is
"because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me." 1 Corinthians 16:9

OK, so God continues for each of us to Open these amazing doors, doors for us to choose to walk through or not. Should we choose to walk through them we have this journey that we are about to embark upon, not fully knowing where we are being led, but just compelled to say YES. In so doing, this door that we step though leads us onward to do EFFECTIVE work and it's also a GREAT door! So we are about to walk into something bigger than ourselves and it can be scary, because in the very same sentence just behind the comma we are told that there is opposition. So... should we at that point choose the Holy and Sacred doorway or should we choose to play it safe and stay behind?

Well, I feel like our forefathers and mothers have left each of us something in their absence, something really wonderful, therefore I want to do the same. Not really for myself and yet it is for myself... I just know that I want to benefit and give life and share what it is to be a Spiritwalker and HOW to be a Spiritwalker... My heart beats so big for this, for everyone to understand how to do so. All the while getting better at it myself. This is so much the reason that I am called to do this radio show that is up and coming. I feel so honored and so blessed with this privilege, words cannot begin to express. Though there is certainly opposition with the economy being the way that it is right now.

OK, Now onto my Dream Wednesday morning...
I dreamt that me and all of my WPPI (Women of Passionate Purpose International) sisters were on a team retreat in this beautiful and amazing house. We were singing and dancing our praises to God with our arms lifted up unto our King. We were enjoying the time of praise and it was a holy and sacred time that lasted for a long while. At the end of our praise session, we were proceeding on into our meeting and planning things out for the next coming two years. Then it came time for lunch, so we decided to walk to the different local fast food restaurants, grab what we wanted and come back with our food so that we could all eat together. Then after eating we were going to get new updated photos for our website and shoot some videos. So we all went our separate ways to grab our lunches. I decided to go across the street. I was walking and it was a very bright and sunny day and I was wearing a visor. As I walked and made my way all of the sudden the skies became very very dark and gray and then it began to pour down rain. The winds were blowing ferociously, so much so that it was hard to walk. I began to cry. (The symbolism of opposition that is here for us in our lives especially when we have been given EFFECTIVE work to be done by God) Then somehow I was walking with a walker. I know that this was symbolic of God providing me my help when I was feeling so alone and feeble during the storm in my life. I then looked back at the house thinking it would be easier to just turn and go back. Then I looked forward to where my food supply was. (I recognize this being symbolic of needing my Spiritual nourishment from God). I chose to press onward. I kept walking even though feeling very feeble. I got to my destination, and there was no way to enter into the building as they only had a window that I could walk up to to place my order. As I came to the window, she opened it up and as she did she opened the windows of heaven to me! Then sitting next to the window on the outside of the building was a Police Officer. He was smiling and appeared to be absolutely radiant. His smile caused me to smile even through my tears. He was symbolic of God going before me, watching me press on, stepping through the door, pressing on... trusting and not quitting. He then spoke to me and told me that He would always be going ahead of me, calling me onward, praising me and my efforts. He told me that I need to learn to walk, learn to get steadier on my feet, to choose to walk onward, even through the storms and the fear. Onward is where my God-given dreams and destiny are, and yes there will be storms and raging winds, but nothing we can't handle together. He told me that we could put my walker in His car and that He would give me a ride back home. So he did, and then told me that He'd hang onto the walker, and when I felt feeble again, he'd provide it for me again at just the right time, and to remember that He'd be calling me forth and helping me. That He's sees me at all times and loves me.

I was so grateful for His dream, because on Thursday I woke up with my eyes swollen shut from allergies and I began to cry. I didn't want to go on all of my appointments for the sponsorship of the radio show looking so badly. Bruce was so encouraging me and asked me poignant questions about what REALLY mattered to me. I was experiencing outside opposition, along with my own internal opposition with the negative self talk that we all can fall prey to. I got up and got ready for my day, God provided me with my walker and my Police Office and so much more that day because I didn't look back, I looked onward and pressed on to the call and boy was I blessed! In the appointments that I had Wed, Thurs, and Friday each person I met with was absolutely God-ordained! God is The Great Provider, The Great Door Opener!

Step through the God-Given Doors of your Dreams! Even when you face some of the storms of life it is worth it, it really is!

Spiritwalking, Dreaming & Doors,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

QUESTIONS JESUS ASKS - Trees Walking... Shifts In Perspective Are Always Needed

OK, here's our passage for today...(and several more days)

Mark 8:22-26 "They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man's eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?" He looked up and said, "I see people; they look like trees walking around." Once more Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, "Don't go into the village."

There is so much in this passage of Scripture that I am going to come back to it over and over as God continues to open my eyes to it. I know that there is much to this passage that He has for me. Today it seems that God wants me to look at PERSPECTIVE right now, so that is what I am going to "focus my eyes on" today.

In verse 24, after Jesus has taken the blind man by the hand and taken him outside the village, spit on the mans eyes and put his hands on him, then after that Jesus asks him "Do you see anything?"

How many times do you see people all around you not as people, but as objects? How is it that we are viewing them? What about your spouse, your friends, your boss, your co-worker, your team, your children?

Have you allowed yourself to become jaded to who they really are in Christ? What about yourself? How are you viewing yourself? Are you seeing yourself as someone that doesn't measure up? Or as someone who will never get it right? Someone who doesn't see the true passion and joy in this world any more?

Maybe it's your view on Christ? How do you see Him in your life? When was the last time you allowed Him to take you by the hand and remove you from the outside influences of life? To take you away so that you could begin to see Him, others and yourself with the absolute truths that are really there?

Allow God to take you by the hand TODAY, take some time to be with Him, to see HIM with new eyes, to see OTHERS with new eyes, and to see YOURSELF with new eyes! It's time for you to take the hand in hand walk with the Creator of the World and Restore Your Sight!

While doing so, ask God to give you new Perspectives in all the areas He wants you to have. Commit to placing your hand in His each and every day and take a "Perspective Stroll" with El Roi- The God of Seeing, The God who Sees You, The God who Opens Your Eyes!

Sight, Strolls and Seeing,
Kathryn Bonner

As a Life Purpose Coach it is my passion to see you live your life Awakened... no longer sleepwalking through your life! Connect with me for coaching... - Email-

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Love.... Love... Love my WPPI Circle Sisters!!!
Love this place B-Calm.... we are retreating and it's truly majestic!
Our Women of Passionate Purpose Retreat is AWESOME!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Prayers Rising...Rising... Rising...

Prayers for each of us as we continue our journey, as we each follow our God-given calling upon this earth. Prayers for each of you as you see God in action, praying that you become a witness in your very own faith story of the miracles of our God, how He moves you to tears, moves you to laughter, moves you to action, moves you... moves you physically, moves you spiritually and moves you emotionally.

Prayers for family, prayers for new life, for my soon to be here grandson, my very first grandchild, prayers for my daughter Kellie Ann as her delivery date is drawing nearer and nearer. Prayers of thanksgiving for my daughter Tabitha rising… rising… rising… Prayers of thanksgiving for my sons-in-law, Prayers of thanksgiving as my wedding anniversary nears and for all the years of love I have shared in my marriage.

Prayers for each of us here reading as we continue on in our very own prayers. Our Lord knows your needs, I am praying that we all find ourselves closer to our Maker with each passing day, that we cling to His love, that we surrender all.... that we walk away lighter each day, walk away brighter at the end of each day. I pray that we are filled with joy because we have helped another in need, knowing that we can make the world a better place each day for those in our circles.

Let us sleep with smiles on our lips, and dreams of love and peace and difference be ours. How I love each of you,how I praise God for each of you... I am blessed to be walking the path with each of you...
Love, Love, Love and Jesus.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

QUESTIONS JESUS ASKED? - What Is More Important?

The Question that Jesus is asking me today...

I can almost hear the tone in Jesus' voice as He asks me this, almost a tone of frustration, like "don't you get this Kathryn?" like "how long is it going to be before you finally understand girl?"...

I know that when my girls were growing up and as a parent, I ALWAYS wanted what was best for them 10 out of 10 times, every single time, always always always! Wanting them to have certain things sink in and sometimes feeling the frustration of "why don't they get this?" I think Jesus is feeling the same way here with me. He ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS 10 out of 10 times wants what is best for me. I know that and I believe that without question. So why is it that I can seem to know when something is best for me and yet I choose what is worst for me? Why do I do that?

So, is LIFE more important than FOOD? Yes it is. Of course I need food to live and sustain my life, BUT what kind of food am I choosing? So much of the time I will choose cookies or ice cream over apples, oranges, grapes. I know which of these foods is real food vs junk food, I know which brings me health, life, energy as well as I know which ones bring me a temporary feeling of satisfaction vs long term dissatisfaction. One gives health and energy and keeps me from gaining weight, while the other cause me to feel sluggish, stuffed, lazy and adds weight to by Body Temple.

LORD, I want to choose LIFE, create in me strength where there is weakness, create in me submission where there is wanting wanting wanting, create in my satisfaction when the right and beautiful choices are made. Create in me the desire for apples, oranges, grapes rather than the desire for cookies, ice cream and junk. In fact remove the desire in me for all things junk and replace it with the delicious craving for the beauty of and the flavor of pineapple, nuts and grains and mango's and bananas.

Your Word is what causes me to have life, for my Spirit to grow, for my love of you to grow, your desire for my best blesses me so. Thank you God for your unending and tirelessness to bring me to higher heights, both in my body as well as my mind...

Renew me, Recreate my will into yours which is SO much better, Renew my mind, Transform me... My belief and faith in you increases with each passing day.

Let my Spirit rise as I quiet my mind and listen to your heart felt questions that are full of true love for me. Let my heart hear your questions that are full of life and promise and love...

Life, Love and Living,

Saturday, August 21, 2010

LOVE - How Closely Will We Look At Love?

I have previously done my own study on all of the questions that Jesus asked in the Bible. I take those questions and I write them out as though Jesus were asking me personally. I have started doing this powerful study again knowing that a few years have gone by since the last time I've done this study, and knowing that my answers will be different now from years past.

I started this study again today...

I have highlighted every single verse in my Bible with a blue highlighter so that I can see each of the questions that Jesus asked.

The very first question that Jesus poses to me is in Matthew chapter 5:46-47 and it would be easier to answer the first question all by itself, but He asks several questions all at once, without even taking a breath between asking... So I know that they all must be asked of me at once, as Jesus is obviously making a point here.


How closely do I want to look at this series of questions? The first question is "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?" is one when posed all by itself is so easy to answer, feels so good in what the answer would be! The rewards would be wonderful, love would be overflowing in all of my relationships, love would be deeply felt, and would be the ruling factor at all times. If we were to view all of our relationships only through the lens of love at all times, knowing that there is amazing rewards for doing so, we all would be doing life on such I higer level of consciousness! So to me this question posed all by itself is an awesome question! It makes me realize that I want to view love as the reward, ss the holy outcome of all that I do. I love this question! It all by itself is powerful and life changing for me, it truly is as I ponder more deeply the REWARDS of LOVE. I could go on and on about this but let's go ahead and move on to the rest... Let's look closer as Jesus really wants us to.

BUT! As I look at this passage even closer, because that's what our Lord really wants us to do, He wants us to dig deeper...

One of the points that He wants us to get here is that it's much easier to love those that we like, but what about those that we don't really like? If I rely on myself to love those that I don't really even like it seems so hard to do. I have the full awareness that in this case, I truly need to die to myself and all the power of the Spirit, living and dwelling within me to do it for me. This is the power that we actually have residing in us that is amazing! Let us learn to live in the power of ths Spirit more and more, He makes things easy for us, actually doing those things for us! We can only imagine the rewards that we should experience by doing so, by loving the way that God calls us to. It's pretty cool!

Let us look closely at those things that are right on the end of our noses that God really does want us to see! Let's look deeply into the questions that God has for us, He's asking us good questions, questions that we need to answer with our lives turned over to Him.

Looking, Listening and Learning,

Thursday, June 10, 2010


A time for Sacred Order in our lives is a time for us to reflect on those things that take up space in our lives. Spiritually, physically, and emotionally we all have things that can get in the way of the Sacred and the Orderly.

I've keep the intention of holding a Sacred time each day to be able to spend with God. Keeping my mind open to the Creative Sacred Orders of the day, with an openness to what the Spirit would lead me to do during that time. Though it an Orderly time, it is not rigid. I have been discovering movement in many ways to be with God. It's been interesting for me to allow myself to be open, rather than thinking that I have to be with God in one set way.

Some of the ways that I have invited Sacred Order into my life is to paint the way that the Spirit leads me to. I've never been a painter; in fact I have been the one to always say "I can't even draw a stick figure" and have believed that because I have said it. BUT I have started painting... Elementary it might be... but it takes me to the Sacred places with God! 

What we say, think about the things that you say and give "life" to in our life. Recognize that God has given us the power to renew our minds, gives us power in The Spoken Word. He created us this way, to tear down, or build up - ourselves as well as others with words. It's one of His ways in which He has created Sacred Order.

I am renewing my mind, speaking new words around my ability to create, to paint, to live out my time with God in the Sacred and Orderly moments.

I have also opened the doors of more creative praying, and have found that in this creative space this is an order as well as sacredness to it… My mind doesn’t drift in my prayer time, but seems to remain focused on who and what I am praying for.

Here is a view of the way I am starting to do this… In my prayers for my family, for Bruce and I, the church, the ministries in my life, the people in my life… This is a picture of praying through 1 Corinthians 13 for Bruce & I. I want to be a 1 Corinthians kind of wife, we had this read at our wedding in 1989 and it still moves me to new heights each time I read it and apply it to my life…

Here’s to new and creative ways of Sacred Order in your life…


I painted my "SACRED LISTENING WOMAN" and I don't know if you can see it in this photo or not but I also painted two muted trees "underneath" her face symbolizing New Life and Growth. Her eyelashes are sacred wings...

This is my very first painting using acrylics and I must confess that I didn't feel "ready" to paint on my precious canvas, still needing to learn the way the paint brushes feel, how much to use... etc... so I used my big water color tablet :) Felt safer to start that way for me. In the end I took my Iridescent Gold and washed the entire painting with it. I might have muted the painting too much in doing so. I didn't realize how it would mute it, I thought it would make it more sparkely and shiny. But here it is! :)


MY VERY first watercolor painting ever.
It's elementary... but I love it... I like the trunk of the tree... Like the colors... I was at peace in the painting of it... thinking of my friend since 4th grade, Karen's sister Debbie who just passed on to be with God. Thoughts for her as I painted... she's with our God now... I felt like I painted her Spirit in the painting as I painted with the blues...


God had prompted me to do a study of all the Scriptures regarding CLOUDS and it is truly amazing how God shows up in the clouds! He is amazing! He was a Pillar of Cloud during the day and a Pillar of Fire by night, at the baptism of Jesus out of a cloud came the voice of God announcing to all those who where there "This is my son, whom I'm well pleased, LISTEN to Him" [emphasis mine], and that the clouds are the dust beneath His feet... The list of the majesty of the clouds goes on and on... This is my painting depicting the sky, the waters, the light and the clouds are filled with His awesome presence.


This painting is my 2nd one to do ever I call it "GOD IS LOVE" from 1 John 4:8,16.


This is one of my first paintings, and I have given it the title "SPIRITWALKING" from my life verse "If we live by the Spirit, let us walk by the Spirit." Galatians 5:25

Allowing for Creativity to be welcomed into my life... enjoy... bringing peace and bliss and movement and peace and....

Thursday, April 15, 2010


An excerpt from my friend Dr. Katie Brazelton's newest release...
LIVE BIG! 10 Life Coaching Tips for Living Large, Passionate Dreams by Katie Brazelton, PhD, MDiv

Imagine that you and I are being pampered in first class, relaxing comfortably on an
afternoon flight to your favorite world-class resort. As we gaze out the airplane window, it seems as though we're floating through an endless sea of marshmallow clouds, soaring together through the heavens. Up here, dreams somehow seem crystal clear. I think it's because we can pretend we've risen above the rough, mountainous terrain of life and can look down on our hills and valleys, seeing events from a fresh perspective.

From this bird's eye view, glance down at what is below: your daily routine,closest
relationships, untapped potential, and countless opportunities. Let this vantage point help you set your sights on a passionate megadream and an inspiring hope for the future! I would not dare to author a book on such an important topic as Living Big without practicing what I preach. So, as I write this, I am on a flight to Hawaii (I wish it were first class) for an extended stay to consider living there indefinitely. I was raised in Hawaii and the Marshall Islands in a navy family, so the tropical breeze has always been alluring to me. Might this be where I will plant another Life Purpose Coaching Center...or find the time to launch my long-?dreamed-?of radio show...or finish this book? I don't know the answers to those questions, but I do know that I can't fail, because this is simply a experiment, with memories waiting to be made. I'm not going to rush the process or force a decision, only enjoy the journey to yea or nay. There is no right or wrong way to dream. Well, actually, I do believe there's one wrong way, and that is to let the dream stagnate without taking any action! I am embarking on this time of exploration because I am in a new season of my life, formally ending two decades of single parenting. My son recently accepted an out of state job promotion, taking his sweet wife and my two young grandsons with him. Shortly thereafter, my daughter announced her engagement, which means she, too, will be moving away from our home area. In the blink of an eye, without my permission, I have been thrust into a new chapter of my life. On one hand, I am sad and fearful. On the other hand, now I have no more excuses for not doing whatever I want, which is another way of saying "whatever I feel God is calling me to do next." I am operating in a spirit of supersized living right now, and not just because I may soon be draped in large muumuus, walking barefoot to the local market to buy macadamia-?nut chocolates, and blatantly enticing my family with extended holiday vacations in paradise. Dreaming in high definition and surround sound and then taking appropriate steps to live those dreams is what this book is all about. You may not have a burning desire to move to a distant land, but what do you want out of life? Are you a student anxiously finishing college? A young mom who's busy raising twins? An overseas missionary on a brand-?new assignment? A career woman vying for an enviable position? A widow with only a few pressing obligations? Regardless of your role in life, you and I have a few things in common:
-We love to dream.
-God designed us to dream.
-And there's no day like today to start discovering God's best!

I need you to know that I'm not so far up in the clouds that I am unaware of your everyday realities. Life has prepared me well to be your Life Coach. I have a testimony of brokenness, and I'm honored to help you dream. Check out what I call "My 7 Big D's" -?-? events that shaped me for nearly twenty years.

My 7 Big D's
1982 Barely survived a serious, four-?month depression.
1986 Devastated by a totally unexpected divorce.
1988 Confused about having to rewrite my doctoral dissertation.
1990 Deeply saddened by the death of my ex-husband.
1991 Angered by a corporate downsizing, which left me laid off just days after buying a home.
1993 Terrified by a dating incident.
2001 Shocked by the death of my dream when my first book contract was canceled due to
budget cuts after 9/11.

What does this list tell you, other than that I must have built up a lot of stamina by now? It says that you can trust me to understand what you're going through and to tell it like it is when I coach you without skirting around the issues. I care deeply about making sure you don't get stuck in the quagmire of life, as I did too many times. These chapters will take you on a journey to find what you're really jazzed about what makes you smile, laugh, play, sing, and dance. It's time to daydream about the adventure God has in store for you!

Amos 4:13 tells us that God reveals His thoughts to us: "He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mortals, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth the Lord God Almighty is his name." We want to do whatever it takes to be ready for that revelation. As your Life Coach, I will come alongside you like a Barnabas (a name that Acts 4:13 tells us means "son of encouragement"). We will enjoy life changing chats about you, stealing precious moments within your hectic schedule. I know how hard it is for you to find time for a conversation about your legacy, your destiny, your divine urge. As you are able to sneak away from your daily routine, it will be my job and my joy to sit with you and draw out of you the distinct calling God laid on your heart eons ago, before you were ever born. And then, equally important, we will put baby steps in place to help you live out your exciting, God-?designed purpose, which has long been the desire in your soul even if it has lain dormant.

This book is loaded with modern, true stories of everyday saints, Bible character parallels, inspirational quotes, some of my favorite Scripture verses, heartfelt prayers, ten coaching tips, forty action steps, reflection questions, and practical exercises with sample answers from my own life to trigger your thinking. (Don't miss the Web downloads, too, which are my special gift to you!) You will hear from real women, students, wives, mothers, a widow, career women, church staff members who all have tremendous testimonies to share. I urge you to break all of the normal book reading rules and jump into the chapters in any sequence you please. Did you know that doing the unexpected can change your perspective, which will then cause you to see your world through new eyes?

I've chosen these particular topics for us to explore in detail as we discover what it takes to Live Big!
1. Face Your Fears
2. Learn to Exhale
3. Honor Your Deepest Longings
4. Don't Ever Give Up
5. Use Your Past for Good
6. Expect Miracles
7. Forgive Someone
8. Eat Dessert First
9. Ask Jesus for Vision
10. Capture Your Live Big! Dream

I can't help but think: If only someone had told me that! or Why didn't I learn that in school? Frankly, I feel there ought to be a law mandating that schools teach us to be tenacious, forgiving, and courageous. We need classes at church that help us reach for our dreams, expect miracles, focus forward, and breathe calmly through adversity. But most important, we must learn how to play and to stop taking ourselves so seriously and to start cherishing God's incredibly specific plan for our lives. In this way, we address the habits that help us attract or sabotage God's boldest wishes for us. Each of the ten coaching tips will give you a broader, richer understanding of how to run and finish the race well.

You probably picked up this book because you want to travel boldly down the path to
purpose and fulfillment, yet perhaps you've lost sight of your dreams, hopes, and longings possibly because of regrets, exhaustion, stubbornness, fears, sins, and so on. We're all burdened with something. You want to bring glory to God with your life, but you may be carrying such a heavy weight of boredom, loneliness, doubt, pride, and/or hopelessness that you've forgotten how to unleash your creativity. The biblical perspective in this book will help you hear God's promptings more clearly and act on them with pure joy.

I encourage you to dream big dreams during this eyeopening, heartpounding quest. Let me share with you forty proven, incremental steps that I personally have used for years and have coached my clients through -?-? action steps that will help you to live a significance filled life. God will be honored, and you will be blessed. You will find yourself empowered beyond your wildest imagination as you Live Big!
Will you take your first small step today?

TO ORDER BOOK and download free Keepsake Templates, go to:

Some more valuable information about Katie Brazelton, Ph.D., M.Div., M.A., she is a life coach and bestselling author. She is the founder of Life Purpose Coaching Centers International, which trains Christians worldwide to become Life Purpose Coach professionals and assist others to discover and fulfill God’s plan for their lives. Dr. Brazelton was formerly a licensed minister and director of women’s Bible studies at Saddleback Church and now is a professor at Rockbridge Seminary. She lives in Southern California and has two children and two grandchildren. She is the author of the bestselling series Pathway to Purpose for Women and Character Makeover: 40 Days with a Life Coach to Create the Best You.

Short Book Description: Using inspirational messages, stories, sayings, scriptures, and coaching tips to show the reader how to live the life they’ve always dreamed of, Brazelton steps in as a mentor and life coach from the experience she’s had in navigating some tough roads personally to achieving her own goals. She now helps people achieve their life purpose through her 200 life coaching centers, which train men and women to live life according to what they dream about and long to live out. In Live Big!, Brazelton provides readers tools to move them from daydreaming to real adventure. Brazelton takes readers through ten steps to give them a broader, richer understanding of how to start and finish what they have started on the road to their dreams and goals. She offers stories from other women, who now work with her through her life coach training.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


by Kathryn Bonner
What do Mind and Spirit Have To Do With One Another?

"The unspiritual self, just as it is by nature, can't receive the gifts of God's Spirit. There's no capacity for them. They seem like so much silliness. Spirit can be known only by spirit-God's Spirit and our spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God's Spirit is doing, and can't be judged by unspiritual critics. Isaiah's question, "Is there anyone around who knows God's Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?" has been answered: Christ knows, [we have the mind of Christ] and we have Christ's Spirit."
1 Corinthians 2: 15-16 The Message [NIV]

What do you notice immediately here? I see from the first verse listed here, we have "TWO SELVES" an UNspiritual self and a Spiritual self. Thinking about this causes me to burst with passion here! Which "SELF" do you want to live by? For me, and I'm sure for most of you reading this choose your SPIRITUAL SELF. But wait a minute, let's look at this a bit deeper.... go with me here... If we are to be honest with ourselves and were to answer the question: "What percentage of your daily life is lived through your SPIRITUAL SELF vs. your UNspiritual Self?" What would your answer be? Why is it that our UNspiritual self gets such a hold on us? God has given us healthy minds gifted with the power of choice. So why aren’t we choosing to live more fully into our SPIRITUAL Selves? Do we fear this kind of living? Do we? I think we do, and yet I think we want it, even crave it. Then fear creeps in and snatches it away.

The very next part of the sentence states that the Unspiritual self can’t even receive the gifts of God’s Spirit!!! Oh my gosh! That answers SO much. When we choose not to live as the Spirit leads then we basically have what I will call our “Spiritual Antenna” down. We fail to pick up on the leading of the Spirit, we fail to connect with God, our ears are plugged up, our hearts are hardened, our minds aren’t receiving through the Spirit, or the mind of God. Why in the world do we choose this self, the Unspiritual Self? And what’s more, we fail to see the power, the untapped amounts of real life that we could have. We see it from a warped lens, seeing it as “silliness” as ridiculous, stupid, or absurd. It’s like we voluntarily choose to live a powerless life. A life unfulfilled, disgruntled, and dissatisfied. Why? Why are we choosing this over what is readily available to us? What’s here? What’s the reason for this kind of choosing? I know we all do it, I know we blindly choose it. Is it because we are so used to choosing this kind of living? Are we just not really aware?

Well, we need to be AWARE of what we are choosing. Because once we become aware, then our AWARENESS DEMANDS ACTION. Even doing nothing is an action. We need to be awakened to our full potential to live alive, to live powerful lives. To live into our SPIRITUAL selves. As I become more aware and contemplate the power of the Mind and the Spirit, I become absolutely enthralled, especially when contemplating them coupled together. Once we become aware of the action we can choose we can live awakened lives, with the Spirit and mind of Christ. Why do we want to miss that? What would happen if you were to choose this, for one day, one week, one month, one quarter, one year, ONE WHOLE LIFE? What would be different for you? What would be different for the world?

The passage goes on to say these things “Spirit can be known only by spirit-God's Spirit and our spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God's Spirit is doing, and can't be judged by unspiritual critics. Isaiah's question, "Is there anyone around who knows God's Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?" has been answered: Christ knows, [we have the mind of Christ] and we have Christ's Spirit.”

What we have here is a gift that has been lovingly and powerfully delivered to us, living within us is both the Spirit and Mind of Christ, IF we choose it.

“Spirit can be known only by Spirit, God’s Spirit and our spirits in open communion” ummm ummm ummm… I LOVE this! I KNOW this; my Spirit resonates completely with this. When I am in the company of others who are “Spiritually alive” my Spirit recognizes this in them immediately, I know yours does the same. We together in communion recognize this within each other. We feel and experience the power of the Spirit in one another.

Let me share another Scripture with you. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting the baby (John) leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:41

This confirms what the 1 Corinthians passage above is telling us. Spirit can be known by Spirit, God’s Spirit and our Spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive! I love this! --Elizabeth was then at least six months pregnant as v. 36 tells us. She notes the reality that John "leaped" in her womb as an indication of his joy that Mary, who would bear the Messiah, had come for a visit. The Holy Spirit also came upon Elizabeth then making it known to her to greet Mary as the mother of Messiah. The Spirit evidently gave her intuitive understanding of Mary's role. She expressed her blessing excitedly in joyful praise to God and because of the Spirit's propelling.

I have had my Spirit rise with joy when I am with others who love God. It’s amazing the connection (that communion) – we feel when our Spirit recognizes the Spirit in another human being. I have some really deep soul/Spirit connections with some amazing women, especially on the WPPI Team, and together we grab hold of our God-given passions and go! Have you had your Spirit rise with this amazing joy at a Holy Spirit connection with someone? I’m sure you have. You might not have called it that, but I really want you to become more and more aware of these things of the Spirit. I believe we all experience our Spirit’s rise with joy when we are with others who love God! It’s amazing the kind of connection that comes forth, AND the more power we have together in the Spirit, BECAUSE WE HAVE ACCESS TO EVERYTHING GOD’S SPIRIT IS DOING, we have the Spirit living and dwelling within us. We begin to live our lives with more and more of the Mind of Christ; living out our callings with His power, and His will. His will is amazing and truly rocks! We begin seeing the world more as He does and start doing and being and living by the Spirit…

Let our challenge be to live out this verse in our living! Let us choose our God-given SPIRITUAL SELVES! May you live in that amazing POWER today and always!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Each of us has been given a Body Temple in which we house our Holy Spirit. Some bodies short, some tall, some round, some boxy... no matter, let us be clean vessels, healthy and holy to be used by our Lord for the work in which He calls...

The Lord has given me these verses as I have prayed for His revelation in regard to my Body Temple, and He has impressed it upon me to share. As I do so, please know that this is just as much for me (if not more) as it is for you. The SCRIPTURE will be written in black and the THOUGHTS that the LORD has revealed to me through the reading of His Word will be in blue.
From Psalm 119:33-40
Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statues God, thank you that you want me to learn, LORD let me always have a keen desire to soak in your teachings, let me have a hunger and a thirst for those things and keep me from my own fleshly hungers, my own edicts, and solidly stand in Yours! When I feel tempted my things remind me of Your Spirit living within me! O LORD, I want to walk only in Your ways, physically, Spiritually and mentally. Teach me God, teach me. And I shall keep it to the end. Let me start each day, each thought, each breath and finish each day with Your will and Your Word for me this day and always. Keep me with you... Keep me, hold me Lord in your endless and overflowing love. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law; Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Cause me not to rationalize with my understanding but with Your graceful laws, grant me the reasoning for it, so that I no longer desire my own will but Yours. For Yours is truly best. Let my heart fall in love with Your ways, knowing that You always know what is better for me than I ever could. Let me never lean on my own understanding but in Your as You make it known to me through Your Word and the Holy Spirit that is living in me. Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in it. Oh Lord, MAKE ME walk with You, even when I find myself wanting to walk my own path, draw me back unto Your path! LORD let me truly find Your commandments not to be a harsh thought, as the word commandment seems so strong, it causes me to want to run from it! Stop me LORD from running way and getting lost on my path, but call me, let me follow Your path, with sheer joy as I trust and know that Your path is the path of restoration, wholeness and resurrection! Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to covetousness. Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things. You Lord cause my heart to beat for the things that Your heart beats for! Keep me from the want of things that You do not want for my Body Temple, which houses the Holy Spirit! Literally TURN my eyes and longing from those foods and things that are not of YOU. In fact let me see then as truly what they are - worthless. So why would I ever want to put anything in my mouth that holds no worth? Father take your hand and turn my head, keep my eyes from even looking! You can, and I will rely on You for just that! Hallelujah! and revive me in Your way. Bring to me a resurrected life in which I only live the way You would have me! YES!! Revival!! Bring me the revival, the new breath of your Holy Spirit which leads me to truth, joy, fulfillment and health! Power me with Your strength to say No to those things easily so that they become no temptation to me and that I don't even see them any more because You have turned my eyes away, I have surrendered to Your power! Establish Your Word to Your servant, who is devoted to fearing You. Launch me each and every morning into Your amazing and beautiful Word! Mmmmm.... mmmmm it is so good, so true, so full and fulfilling! Your Word causes me to be Yours, fully faithful and committed to respecting Your healthy ideals for me. Turn away my reproach which I dread, Let me never make excuses or try to justify my own cravings which in the end I feel guilty about and ultimately worse for not following what You have guided me to do, which is honestly best for me. for Your judgments are good. You cannot, nor would You ever direct me to anything except for that which is first-class! Your judgements are righteous and holy. I trust that and let that knowing sink down deeply into my Spirit. Behold, I long for Your precepts; Craving Your Word, Your teachings, Your guidelines now I surrender those things to which You have asked me to , take them from me Lord. Let me BEHOLD your majesty! revive me in Your righteousness. Oh what freedom I find here with You!! The revival has begun! Your care and love for me have strengthened me to keep My Body - Your Temple as a Holy dwelling place for You to reside, and to grow in strength so that I might serve You even better!! You live in me, You cleanse me, You revive me!!!
  • What are the statutes that the Lord longs for you to grasp regarding your Body Temple?
  • Have you been turning your eyes TOWARD worthless things or AWAY from worthless things?
  • What might your begin doing to make your Body Temple more holy for the housing of the Holy Spirit within you?
  • What do you know to be true for you in this passage?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Doors and More Doors

Doors and More Doors,
Heavenly Doors...
What are the God-given doorways
in your life?

Have you ever given much thought to the doors that the Lord might be opening in your life? Especially when you wait on him to call you, then as you truly listen to Him and proceed to take the courage to actually do what He asks of you? The LORD God Himself actually escorts you as you take the steps! If you commence to walking with Him you soon will be astonished with the incredible journey He will take you on! For me it has been truly grand!
As I become more and more obedient to Him, to His direction, the blessings just keep coming my way! I have been so busy these last few months experiencing the many doors He has opened unto me! I have been astounded by His abundance and blessing upon my life. All of the Holy Spirit directed connections, the new women He has place in my life and all that we are up to together for Him is huge!

God has so much to bestow upon those who seek Him and seek His will. What perspective do you take as you begin to view the Heavenly Doors? Have you ever really thought about doors and the passageways as heavenly?
Do you choose to stay in the room with your ears plugged and the doors shut tightly all around you in order not to venture out? Does that idea feel safer to you so that you do not have to take any risks?

What would it be like for you if you were to view the word risk and shift the perspective of it? Shift the viewpoint of RISK to FAITH? Faithfully seeing a door as a heavenly opening? What doors are you keeping tightly shut that you know you should be opening? What might be on the other side of the door should you open it?
In the verse above you see that as you listen to the calling of the LORD you will be blessed! I am so amazed at the way He calls us forth to do His work! Until the end of time we must be listening to Him, listening to His voice, His Words of wisdom, His Words of direction, His Words of love. his true desire is to bless us, not to cause us to fear Him or His calling on our lives.

I love the second part of this passage as we are instructed to watch DAILY at His doors. Not just every now and then, or once a month when we think about it, but every single day we are to be WAITING AND WATCHING at His doors, waiting for Him to bless us!

The thought of this is beautiful to me as I begin to become more and more aware of the doors that He is guiding me to walk through each and every day.

Picture the glow peeking through, radiating from underneath the door, beckoning you to come... to draw closer and closer to the door. Laying on your tummy with your face up close to the door, you begin to peer through the opening seeing the lights luminosity and your nostrils take in the smells of fresh air, smelling the sweet fragrance of a magnolia tree! The scent fills you with warmth and hope for the day!
You begin to rise, placing your hand upon the old antique door knob which juts out from the old wooden hewn door - leading to the heavenly places of God, as He calls you forth; you go... you go...
You journey on with expectancy from Him who leads...

On the amazing journey with you,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Taste The Rain...

Taste The Rain!!

It's raining.
I am listening.
Love the sound of the rain...
Wash away everyone's pain...
Allow us to glean and gain...
Thunder whispers...
Thunder roars...
I am listening...
Taste and Flood our veins with love...
Allow us the Holy Spirit's dove...
Heaven here, presence from above...
Taste the Cleansing Grace filling the earth...
Cleansing Grace filling each heart...
Cleansing Grace filling each mind...
Renewal My Lord
Renewal My God
Renewal My King

Grace Raining Down...
Washing away frowns...
Replacing with crowns...
Rain... Rain... Rain...


Life Purpose Coaching with Kathryn Bonner

This is the blog of Kathryn Bonner - Speaker/

Success Coach/Author of "Confessions of a Pastor's Wife" & the CD of "In The Potter's Hands" a guided Biblical Meditation. and