A time for Sacred Order in our lives is a time for us to reflect on those things that take up space in our lives. Spiritually, physically, and emotionally we all have things that can get in the way of the Sacred and the Orderly.
I've keep the intention of holding a Sacred time each day to be able to spend with God. Keeping my mind open to the Creative Sacred Orders of the day, with an openness to what the Spirit would lead me to do during that time. Though it an Orderly time, it is not rigid. I have been discovering movement in many ways to be with God. It's been interesting for me to allow myself to be open, rather than thinking that I have to be with God in one set way.
Some of the ways that I have invited Sacred Order into my life is to paint the way that the Spirit leads me to. I've never been a painter; in fact I have been the one to always say "I can't even draw a stick figure" and have believed that because I have said it. BUT I have started painting... Elementary it might be... but it takes me to the Sacred places with God!
What we say, think about the things that you say and give "life" to in our life. Recognize that God has given us the power to renew our minds, gives us power in The Spoken Word. He created us this way, to tear down, or build up - ourselves as well as others with words. It's one of His ways in which He has created Sacred Order.
I am renewing my mind, speaking new words around my ability to create, to paint, to live out my time with God in the Sacred and Orderly moments.
I have also opened the doors of more creative praying, and have found that in this creative space this is an order as well as sacredness to it… My mind doesn’t drift in my prayer time, but seems to remain focused on who and what I am praying for.
Here is a view of the way I am starting to do this… In my prayers for my family, for Bruce and I, the church, the ministries in my life, the people in my life… This is a picture of praying through 1 Corinthians 13 for Bruce & I. I want to be a 1 Corinthians kind of wife, we had this read at our wedding in 1989 and it still moves me to new heights each time I read it and apply it to my life…
Here’s to new and creative ways of Sacred Order in your life…