Thursday, June 10, 2010


God had prompted me to do a study of all the Scriptures regarding CLOUDS and it is truly amazing how God shows up in the clouds! He is amazing! He was a Pillar of Cloud during the day and a Pillar of Fire by night, at the baptism of Jesus out of a cloud came the voice of God announcing to all those who where there "This is my son, whom I'm well pleased, LISTEN to Him" [emphasis mine], and that the clouds are the dust beneath His feet... The list of the majesty of the clouds goes on and on... This is my painting depicting the sky, the waters, the light and the clouds are filled with His awesome presence.

Life Purpose Coaching with Kathryn Bonner

This is the blog of Kathryn Bonner - Speaker/

Success Coach/Author of "Confessions of a Pastor's Wife" & the CD of "In The Potter's Hands" a guided Biblical Meditation. and