The Question that Jesus is asking me today...
I can almost hear the tone in Jesus' voice as He asks me this, almost a tone of frustration, like "don't you get this Kathryn?" like "how long is it going to be before you finally understand girl?"...
I know that when my girls were growing up and as a parent, I ALWAYS wanted what was best for them 10 out of 10 times, every single time, always always always! Wanting them to have certain things sink in and sometimes feeling the frustration of "why don't they get this?" I think Jesus is feeling the same way here with me. He ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS 10 out of 10 times wants what is best for me. I know that and I believe that without question. So why is it that I can seem to know when something is best for me and yet I choose what is worst for me? Why do I do that?
So, is LIFE more important than FOOD? Yes it is. Of course I need food to live and sustain my life, BUT what kind of food am I choosing? So much of the time I will choose cookies or ice cream over apples, oranges, grapes. I know which of these foods is real food vs junk food, I know which brings me health, life, energy as well as I know which ones bring me a temporary feeling of satisfaction vs long term dissatisfaction. One gives health and energy and keeps me from gaining weight, while the other cause me to feel sluggish, stuffed, lazy and adds weight to by Body Temple.
LORD, I want to choose LIFE, create in me strength where there is weakness, create in me submission where there is wanting wanting wanting, create in my satisfaction when the right and beautiful choices are made. Create in me the desire for apples, oranges, grapes rather than the desire for cookies, ice cream and junk. In fact remove the desire in me for all things junk and replace it with the delicious craving for the beauty of and the flavor of pineapple, nuts and grains and mango's and bananas.
Your Word is what causes me to have life, for my Spirit to grow, for my love of you to grow, your desire for my best blesses me so. Thank you God for your unending and tirelessness to bring me to higher heights, both in my body as well as my mind...
Renew me, Recreate my will into yours which is SO much better, Renew my mind, Transform me... My belief and faith in you increases with each passing day.
Let my Spirit rise as I quiet my mind and listen to your heart felt questions that are full of true love for me. Let my heart hear your questions that are full of life and promise and love...
Life, Love and Living,