Sunday, May 27, 2007

Prayers of the People we prayed in church today

I pray that you truly experience the prayers below in their fullest. We prayed them in church today and I was moved with the depth of who each of us is, what we are to be, and how our Lord moves through us for His glory...

God of all that is good, in this season of Pentecost You fill us with Your Holy Spirit. In scripture You give us Your vision for the world. In love You give us Your grace. In wisdom You give us each other. We are Your presence, Your power and Your body in the world. For this we give You thanks and, as one body, offer ourselves and each other we pray.

Holy Spirit of community...
Bless Your holy people

We praise You for the possibilities that come from Your imagination, and for the gifts that we offer to fulfill the vision of ministry and mission You set before us. We pray for all who minister in the church.

Holy Spirit of servanthood...
Bless our mission

We pray that we may see the sacred in our everyday lives, believing with our brothers and sisters in faith that we can make a difference through You.

Holy Spirit of life...
We remember the promises made at our baptism.

We prayer for the world around us. For other nations and people far away. For their hopes and fears, and for those who weep and those who dance in every part of the world.

Holy Spirit of diversity...
Open our hearts to both strangers and friends.

We also pray for our own nation, that we may learn Your vision of freedom, and that our privilege be blessed in how we use it to benefit those around us.

Holy Spirit who works in everything...
Open our eyes to Your compassion.

We pray for the courage to learn the names of those around us, to honor the beauty of their gifts, as well as the urgency of their needs, and that we may boldly speak the truth in love to our neighbors.

Holy Spirit who makes power of powerlessness...
Make us channels of justice and peace.

We pray for those who suffer and for the gift of being companions with them. Bless those in our midst who are tired or hurting, and those who trust us to pray for them.

Holy Spirit who comforts us...
Open our hearts to know the healing power of Your love.

We pray for those who have died, that we may know the presence of the cloud of witnesses around us. Bless those who mourn and those who, in their grief, know the sure and certain promise of eternal life in You.

Holy Spirit of forever and from before time...
We praise You for the wonder of eternal life!

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Life Purpose Coaching with Kathryn Bonner

This is the blog of Kathryn Bonner - Speaker/

Success Coach/Author of "Confessions of a Pastor's Wife" & the CD of "In The Potter's Hands" a guided Biblical Meditation. and