Oh Divine Majesty! I see your brilliance Lord!
On my drive home this evening I experienced the radiance of God in the heavenly clouds! I had my camera with me and had to pull over and take this picture! The picture I saw in the clouds was so enormous, it was so amazing! I could see in the clouds the face of the Lion Aslan, from the movie by C.S. Lewis, "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe!"
What I love even more about this is that I was on the phone with my friend Ginny and was telling her about this beautiful vision in the sky and that I had to pull over to take this picture. She was "witnessing" this event over the phone with me as I took several pictures of this. I am getting to more here... Ginny (and two other Chritian Coaches) and I have just produced a CD on Biblical Meditations. Guess what Ginny's is... Her topic centers around Aslan!!! God in His amazingness gave me this radiant picture of Himself in the clouds while I was on the phone with her! She giggled with me as I was taking this photo on the phone! So, Ginny, what are your thoughts about our Lord, our Aslan in the sky showing Himself to us?! Amazing!
I had to wonder if all those driving beside me saw it too? How could they miss His majesty? I imagine that they must have been taking gasps of breath as they viewed the glory in the sky. As each person drove along in our individual cars, with our heads in the clouds! I am sure that everyone around me HAD to be experiencing this phenomenal occurrence with me. My breath was taken away, my eyes beholden to His glory!
I see His majesty here, a picture of the Lion of Judah! The profile of the Lion is clear, even with the hair on His mane blowing in the wind as He glides effortlessly through the majestic skies above. Mmm, oh what a vision!
This is incredible. Absolutely amazing!
I just stumbled across your blog and I too saw this very same cloud in the sky the very same night! This is blowing my mind! I wondered if anyone else was seeing it and you did! So glad you were able to snap the picture!
Kathryn, God's personal touch is so amazing. He loves us with an everlasting love. It was His divine timing to show you that picture and then to have you share it on your blog....just the day that I needed His presence in a tangible way.
AND to have Him speak through His creation as we are creating a work He asked us to do is even better. As we continue to move through the process of completing our CD of biblical meditations ~ He shows Himself to us ~ in one of the ways He is manifested on the CD.
Awe inspiring. I love you Lord!
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