Do you have a dream of writing a book? Actually, we all have a book in us, but what we may not know is how to bring it out or what to do to get started. Don’t keep your book bottled up inside of you; start taking steps to living more passionately!
Here’s another question for you… Do you have ideas for a children’s book, a story, a fiction or non-fiction book, a fairy-tale book, your memoir, a self-help book, or maybe a how-to book? No matter what topic or type of book you want to write, bringing out this book can be a struggle, I know this full well!
Maybe you’re a coach, an employee, a leader, or a business owner or a speaker and you’ve thought about writing a book that helps and benefits others, but you don’t know where to begin. Maybe you are living life a bit frustrated because you don’t know where to begin, or you just need that push to get started. Maybe you need encouragement from others who are walking the same journey. You need loving accountability with some fun and sacred women!
You need to join us for “IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN!” Once you’ve joined us, you’ll find out how to make it happen and what steps you need to follow to get started to see it through. You will struggle no more! We have just what you need!! We have the help and the know how to make it happen! Let us help you IGNITE THE WRITER WITIN. Let’s IGNITE the Writer Within Each Other!
Join us for out Women of Passionate Purpose FACEBOOK PARTY to find out more about our course… so, let’s hang out for an hour here on our WPPI Facebook Page. We will have prizes to win too so be sure to come and invite your friends! We can talk together about the fears and struggles you are having and we’ll help you get through it so the beautiful writer within you shines!
Let’s hang out for an hour and help each other IGNITE the Writer Within. Click here to join us on March 22, 2011 at 8:00 pm CST/6:00 pm PST. We’ll have drawings for wonderful prizes so make sure you attend the party!!!