Monday, March 28, 2011
Come join the IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN! Twitter Party!

We have a Tele-Course coming up in April and we’re VERY excited to share it with you. We’re helping writers to IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN! and we want to make sure you attend this 4 Week Tele-Course.
Our Twitter Party is on Thursday, March 31st at 8 pm CST (6 pm PST, 7 pm MST, or 9 pm EST) and we’ll have prizes to give away. It’s going to be so much fun and we hope you will come and join us.
You can use the Twitter website or your platform, but it’s easier to use the hashtag site called TweetChat. It’s easier to sign up, free to use and it helps you focus on the party and nothing else.
During our Twitter party we’ll show you how to IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN and how you can participate in our Tele-Course that starts in April. Sometimes we just need a little help or a reminder that we have a book or story to tell and that’s what we’ll do during our Twitter party.
So make sure you create an account at and use the hashtag #ignitethewriterwithin with all of your posts and we’ll SPARK the WRITER WITHIN YOU.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Dare to Dream Again

Our dreams stir within our souls, they are calling out for action.
If you focus on the scary part of your dreams, you will find yourself struggling with your dreams and could actually talk yourself out of them. I want to encourage you to embrace your dreams, to Dare to Dream! Mike Jones’ quote that says “A mind focused on doubt and fear cannot focus on the journey of victory.” This fits perfectly here because it’s possible you have doubt or fear, therefore you’re struggling with your dreams.
Check out these tips to facilitate you in overcoming the doubt and negative self-talk that rolls around in your head. This will help you dream again.
1. Speak out loud that you believe in yourself when it comes to your dreams.
2. Embrace your “God-confidence!
3. Push your fears. Discover what your fears are and begin intentionally working through them. It’s possible your fears could be from lack of knowledge or the fear of failure. You need to remember that failure is not the end of the world. It’s also not the end of your dream. Find a way to overcome the fear and you’ll have success.
4. Keep Dreaming! Realizing that dreams are nothing to be afraid of, rather they are to be embraced in order to become a reality in your life by taking each faith filled step toward them!
If you dare to dream, make it happen in whatever way you can. Dreams are meant to be fun and exciting, and we recognize that they can be scary; however, they are never impossible to reach.
Another great tip for you when you begin feeling the fear and overwhelm of your dream, try breaking your dream down into smaller dreams or steps, without rushing it. It will come to fruition when you work it and don’t stress through the process!
Kathryn is an entrepreneur, an author, a speaker and a certified Success Coach, and founder of Women of Passionate Purpose International and Awakenings Life Coaching as well as an Instructor for those who long to become a coach. You can find out more about becoming a Life Coach by contacting Kathryn for more information. Additionally Kathryn does a two day one-on-one Life Purpose Plan for women. This is a powerful process for women who want to find out what they are called to do and living their lives more fully into their God-given purpose with passion. She knows the power of breaking through the fears and stepping fully into your faith by the gift of coaching. You can find out more about this aspect of Kathryn’s life at where they teach courses on becoming a writer, a speaker, a coach, and so much more! You can also find out more by visiting and
Do You need to Ignite the Writer Within?

We have a 4 Week Tele-Course coming up in April that will help you to remember that God wants you to reach success. This course has four classes entitled Blank Expressions, Ignite and Write, Get Your Flo-Jo on, and Stoke It! The titles of these courses tell you al lot about what we will be doing!
Writing for yourself or your business can be intimidating and scary or it could be a fear that stands so high that you don’t believe you are capable of doing it. In this writing course we will help you reach your goals and you will experience the awesome feeling of accomplishment and great success, BUT, you wont’ experience this if you choose not to do it.
We are here to help you “IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN!” and have fun while doing so! We are passionate about the way God moves, works, connects, and empowers us to live absolutely awakened lives. Let us show you how to make that happen for you too!
Our Tele-Courses begin on April 4th, Come join us! Check out our “SNEAK PEEK” offer and join the IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN! Tele-Courses. For more information or to join us, go to and look to the right for the information on our course.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Ignite the Writer Within Informational Call and Twitter Party Video
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Facing Your Fears!

Fears are something that can scare you away from doing something you’ve always dreamed of doing. You can set out to achieve a goal and then something may happen and your dream can go down the drain within minutes.
When this happens you have two options to consider. One is to let the dream go away and the other is to overcome the fear and set out again to achieve your goal. I found a quote that fits perfectly with the second option.
“Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it” ~Bill Cosby
In my opinion Bill Cosby really had something when he said that. Why let fear get the best of you. Does fear really ever hurt? I’m sure if you think about it long enough you would figure how a way that fear could hurt, but more than likely your answer will be no.
Fear is a feeling and nothing more than that so it’s likely that after you think about what you’re going through and you decide what actions you will take to overcome it you’ll be able to achieve your dreams and goals.
One way is to find a coach, a friend or a family member to encourage you to move past your fears. Someone you can trust as well as be honest and willing to push you along to overcome those blocks that keep you stuck in fear. With this person together you journey to face your fears and achieve those beautiful dreams that are currently waiting to become a reality!.
I believe the best way is to hire a coach. Your coach will rally round your Big Dreams and work through those fears as well as develop an amazing and doable plan of action, causing you to become what I call a FAITH WALKER. Keeping you from being a FEAR WALKER! Pointing out choices, and your strengths and reminding you of all those that will benefit from your beautiful dream. Showing you how easily you can live out your destiny Sometimes along the journey of pushing past those fears, you begin to struggle because the fear shows up again and that is a point on the journey where you get with your coach and work through the process again.
The best way to face your fears is to acknowledge the fear and everything about it. Notice what causes the fear to raise its ugly head and then you can combat it next time before hand! You can learn techniques to overcome the “false fears” and decide your goal is more important than the fear. No matter what you need to do, face your fear and Live Your Dream!
Kathryn is an entrepreneur, an author, a speaker and a certified Success Coach, and founder of Women of Passionate Purpose International and Awakenings Life Coaching as well as an Instructor for those who long to become a coach. You can find out more about becoming a Life Coach by contacting Kathryn for more information. Additionally Kathryn does a two day one-on-one Life Purpose Plan for women. This is a powerful process for women who want to find out what they are called to do and living their lives more fully into their God-given purpose with passion. She knows the power of breaking through the fears and stepping fully into your faith by the gift of coaching. You can find out more about this aspect of Kathryn’s life at where they teach courses on becoming a writer, a speaker, a coach, and so much more! You can also find out more by visiting and
Informational Conference Call – Will You Attend? Call in Number: 1-402-237-4233 Conference Pass Code: 1230#
April 4th is the first in a 4 week Online Tele-Class series where we talk about how to IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN. On Tuesday, March 29th we’re going to have an informational conference call so you have the ability to learn more about this wonderful Online Tele-Course.
If you’ve ever dreamed of writing a book but don’t know where to begin, this informational call is for you. If you have started a book but are not sure how to finish it, this call is for you.
Join us on Tuesday, March 29th at 8 pm CST (6 pm PST, 7 pm MST, or 9 pm EST) for a conference call where we’ll inform you about a 4 week Online Tele-Course called IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN. If you have a desire to share your truth, your story, your inspiration with the world through writing, this Online Tele-Course series is for you!
This is a wonderful opportunity for you to begin that journey in a very powerful way. We’ve put together a very impressive program to help you bring your message to reality.
Make sure you join us for this information call on Tuesday, March 29th. The call in information is below.
Call in Number: 1-402-237-4233
Conference Pass Code: 1230#
Make sure you call in approximately 5 minutes early so you’re guaranteed a spot on this powerful call. Remember this call is on Tuesday, March 29th at 8 pm CST (6 pm PST, 7 pm MST, or 9 pm EST). Join us on the conference call to find out all of the details about the IGNITE THE WRITER WITHIN Online Tele-Course series.
Ignite the Writer Within at our Facebook Party!

Here’s another question for you… Do you have ideas for a children’s book, a story, a fiction or non-fiction book, a fairy-tale book, your memoir, a self-help book, or maybe a how-to book? No matter what topic or type of book you want to write, bringing out this book can be a struggle, I know this full well!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Are Your Passions Gathering Dust?

When you allow this to happen you won’t give yourself a chance to reach success and help others. When this happens you’re allowing your fears to get the best of you – NOT what you want to happen, and NOT the habits you want to create for you life.
LET’S BLOW THE DUST OFF!! Take two minutes, really quickly right here, right now, and answer this question – What passion has a pile of dust gathered all over it? Write it in this blank… ________________________________________________________________
It’s decision time! What do you think you need to do to stop your passions from gathering dust? The first thing to do is find your motivation… lose the dust! Your motivation may be God or your family; no matter what it is just find it and hang on to it and don’t let it slip away. Write it down and keep it in front of you at all times.
Once you have the motivation your passion begins to live again! Then create the steps necessary so you know what you need to do to reach success.
Then set goals for your passion. No matter what your passion is, goals are something you must set. .
Once you have your goals in place you need to take the time to decide what you need to do each day, week, and month to accomplish those goals. It’s imperative that you set your goals this way so you know what you’ll need to do at all times to attain success. When you have these in place it will be easier for you to accomplish what you set out to do and prevent the dust from collecting on your passion!!
When you attain success it’s important to CELEBRATE in some fashion to reward yourself. You have just accomplished something huge and you need to recognize that YOU MADE IT! When you do this you’ll be excited to continue on and that’s exactly what you need. If you don’t celebrate you’ll feel like you’re not doing any good and that can cause you to give up and allow your passions to gather dust again.
Your passion is your dream and it’s something you feel very strongly about in one way or the other. When you do nothing with that passion it begins to collect dust. That’s not what you need or want so it’s best to use these tips to find a way to BLOW THE DUST OFF OF YOUR AMAZING DREAMS and get back on the path of your passion! You can do it!
Kathryn is an entrepreneur, an author, a speaker and a certified Success Coach, and founder of Women of Passionate Purpose International and Awakenings Life Coaching as well as an Instructor for those who long to become a coach. You can find out more about becoming a Life Coach by contacting Kathryn for more information. Additionally Kathryn does a two day one-on-one Life Purpose Plan for women. This is a powerful process for women who want to find out what they are called to do and living their lives more fully into their God-given purpose with passion. She knows the power of breaking through the fears and stepping fully into your faith by the gift of coaching. You can find out more about this aspect of Kathryn’s life at where they teach courses on becoming a writer, a speaker, a coach, and so much more! You can also find out more by visiting and
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I'm a Grandma!
I truly do stand in awe at the beauty of it all. I am blessed and I know it. I am soon to become a grandparent again with our daughter Tabby and her husband Gerald, they have been on quite a journey, they have been ready to be parents for many years, and God has then on the path of adoption! They have just been approved by the adoption agency, by going through all of the classes, home inspections and all of the many things they must do before they can become parents!
SO… it’s just a matter of time before we meet our next beautiful member of the family! With this adoption, Gerald and Tabby have left the gender, the race(s) the placement decision all up to God and we are excited to see who God chooses for them! I can hardly wait!! So fun!! Join us in prayers for this new child, join us in prayers for the birthmother as well, we know she must be frightened and we also know she will be choosing the parents and none of this will be easy for her either.
I pray that God reaches down into her heart and grants her His love and His peace as she makes her decision. I pray that the rest of her life she will feel the closeness of God… I will keep you posted on this as we progress and meet our newest grandchild!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Do you have dreams of writing a Children’s Book, a Story, Fiction or Non-fiction, a Fairy-tale, Your Memoir, a Self-Help book, maybe a much needed How-To book inside you? A creative and much need book on Leadership, Coaching, or other wonderful subjects that no doubt is going to benefit others?
Have you struggled with how to get it out?
Do you have visions of becoming a published author, but agonize that you don’t have the ability? Or just can’t find the moment in time? Maybe you just don’t know HOW or WHERE to start?
Maybe you just need the right group to connect with.
Join a Sacred Circle of Women who will IGNITE YOU and journey with you down the writers’ path!
These Tele-seminar Classes are for YOU!
Beginning April 4th at 8pm CENTRAL
We will Ignite the Writer Within YOU!! Begin the journey of writing! We’ll talk about different ways you can make it easy on yourself, as well as how to write a powerful story or book that makes an impact on people’s lives.
In this highly interactive forum, we will share our secrets including how several of our students are already published authors!!
You will be provided:
· Your own Personal Work Book
Action Guides
· Recordings of our call
Other benefits in the classes:
We will answer your burning questions about becoming the writer you dream of. You will have the support of other students and be able to connect with each other in helpful ways.
In the classroom we will cover:
- Several strategies for falling in love with writing!
- Embracing your Inner Writing Star!
- How & Why you Listen to the Director (The Holy Spirit).
- Embracing the Journey of the Writer and all the ups and downs that come with it.
- Creating the right space and time for Igniting!
- Discover the right tools.
- Overcoming your fears.
- Meeting, noticing and taming your inner Gremlin.
- Embracing Techniques for effortless writing.
- Overcoming Procrastination.
- Nurturing the Writer Within.
- Falling in love with the power of words!
- Using imagery as a creative outlet and powerful resource.
Life Purpose Coaching with Kathryn Bonner
Success Coach/Author of "Confessions of a Pastor's Wife" & the CD of "In The Potter's Hands" a guided Biblical Meditation. and