As a life purpose coach I love the powerful question. Every life coach, when they are going through their training learns that as a coach we do not have to nor do we need to answer the questions, but rather ask the questions of the client in order for them to find the answers that seem to allude us. In the search of the answer... somewhat of an inner journey goes on. It can bring you to a place of introspection, make you find out what you know, what you believe, what you want, what you are truly about. When the answer comes bells go off, lights flash, and there is a sense of knowing, new understanding, and clarity! It is lovely.
My girlfriends within my prayer group (whom I get with early Wednesday mornings) know that I have been doing a study of all the questions that Jesus asked. I apply the questions to my own life, and go about answering them. When I say "go about answering them" it doesn't mean that I have the answer right away, it doesn't mean that I have answers every time, it doesn't mean that I am satisfied with my answers when they come; yet there are times when I am more than satisfied, in fact amazed at the answers that come to me. It varies, depending upon the question, and my own personal abilities to comprehend at the time. BUT, I LOVE ALL OF THE QUESTIONS THAT JESUS ASKS!! So... without further ado, let's begin! :)
Jesus asked some of the most powerful questions! Things that make you go hmmmm...
This question He asks: "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?" Matthew 5:46
Wow! What a great question. It's very easy for us to love those who love us isn't it? There is no challenge for us with that, it's a no brainer, a piece of cake. It doesn't require us to rely on the Lord for anything in that situation. Love, this is the the crux of 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and teaches us all about love. Love is not rude it says in verse 5. How often are we rude to those around us? (I ask myself this question too). Far too often for me. Sadly I hate to admit it. But as we walk closer and closer to Christ this becomes easier and easier, a natural out pouring of the Holy Spirit living within us.
I love it when those I love show love to me, it feels SO good. Love is one of the most wonderful things that God instilled within us, each of us!
In 1st Corinthians it says things like, love is patient, love is kind, love is not rude, it is not jealous, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered... it continues on with a list of things regarding love. When Jesus asked, what reward is there when we love those who love us is such a great reminder of the reward we recieve while loving on the unlovable. Think about the folks who are hard to love in your life. What if you were to start being loving to them? There could be an amazing change that could come over them because of your love being given to them. They may actually need your love a lot more than a person who's easy to love. If we all become more free with our love, the reward would probably be that those who have been difficult to love will probably be truly touched and moved by your love that they begin to have a heart change. Their hearts will more than likely become softer and sweeter because of you! That's the reward! Let us love all those God places in our path even the difficult to love, then, we will begin experiencing true love! What do you think? Can you begin to try it? I am starting today!
After all, LOVE is the greatest of all things! God is love!
Here's to love!
Check out my website: http://www.kathrynbonner.com/ for more information about coaching!
Hi, you don't know me, but I found my way to your blog through some other blogs I was reading and I have to say, I have enjoyed the many aspects of your blog, I like the way you think! I love your all things Q! I will keep coming back to your blog to see all the different Q's!
This is a great reminder for me to realize that loving someone that loves me is easy, it's the "other" people that I need to rely on God for. I need to rely on God more than I do, maybe those "other" people will be a reminder for me to rely on God more.
Jill McIntosh
Thanks Jill for you comment, yes, please do return for a visit to my blog, I'd love to hear from you again...
God's peace and blessings upon you!
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