* Procrastination. I’ll organize my kid’s sock drawer if a deadline is looming! Get a great book like The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and pick a short exercise. Put it on your calendar and ask a friend to hold you accountable.
* Feeling Blank. Believing that you don’t have anything interesting to express is simply not true. You DO have something valid to share.
* Overwhelm. If you think you’ve got too much on your plate, you probably do. Consider letting go of some things, and placing your art higher up on your list.
* Plain Jane Lies. We’re human so we know that negative thoughts enter our minds. Among other things, I often hear, “That paragraph is no good.” “No one will want to read that nonsense?” Ask God to help you recognize negative thought patterns and for every frankly rude comment, write two or more nice things to yourself. “That’s wonderful work!” “Great job of showing up at the page today!”
As Christian women, we need to invite God into our work. With Him, all things are possible! If, as you’re writing, your gremlin sneaks out of the closet, you can choose to simply take notice and dismiss him. I like to say, “Hello. You are not needed here today. Don’t make me get the duct tape. Good-bye!” Focus on the beauty and blessings God has laid before you in the moment, and watch your creativity come out to play!
Written by Kristen Kayga Merkett -
Igniter of Beautiful Brands & Joyful Dreams of the Women of Passionate Purpose Team
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