WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WENT ON A "GOD HUNT"? The other question would be, Have you ever been on a "GOD HUNT"?
But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29
I am in the midst of doing a Group Coaching Tele-class Study with a group of women, from all over North America! Two of the women are from New Mexico, four of them are from Toronto, one is from Brampton, one from Edmonton, one from Australia, one from Vancouver and I am from Texas.
The one thing that we all have in common is the fact that we are all Christian women. In this coaching study we are learning from the wonderful book "Character Makeover" co-authored by Katie Brazelton (who is the owner & founder of LPCCI - Life Purpose Coaching Centers International, of which I am a Certifired Life Purpose Coach) and Shelley Leith.
The action step that I took on for this week was: "I will hunt for God." I will go on a daily God Hunt, journaling where I see Him show up in my day; the things I see in nature, the interruptions, the serendipities, the detours, the provisions, the difficulties, the connections with people, and/or the answers to prayer. I will share with at least one person something I saw on my daily God Hunt."
I am really looking forward to this. I feel like I am usually very aware of the way that God is showing up in my daily life. It will be really wonderful, and assuring for me to write it out. I pray that you will take the time to HUNT FOR GOD in your dailiness. Think about the way that He has instructed you, or kept you out of a mess, or revealed something to you in a particular way in which you know without a doubt He is speaking to you. It might be through the still quiet whispers, or the cry of a baby that you see God, or hear Him. It might be through an amazing undeniable Holy Spirit connection, divinely appointed by our Lord.
When was the last time that you were on a "GOD HUNT?" Why don't you try journaling about your experiences of this for a week. Take the time to get your eyes off of yourself, and on His majesty. Begin the praising of Him now and always.
He loves you so...
I'm headed out on my GOD HUNT... I will be reporting on what I have seen!