When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, He gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God. - Exodus 31:18
It has been too long since I have blogged. It has been a whirlwind of a month for me. God has been shaking me up a bit, and "pointing with His finger" at me. He as been doing some amazing things in my life. The Scripture above is "speaking into me" as our Lord has been doing as well.
I was in an accident with an 18 wheeler and it literally shook me up. I was in the right lane, he was in the left lane. The lanes were very narrow, too narrow from what the police officer told me later, explaining that when two 18 wheelers are driving down this little stretch of the road side by side, that many times they hit each other’s side mirrors! I was ahead of him, not quite a car length ahead of him. We were both headed in the same direction, when all of the sudden I was pushed forward and sent spinning and rocking back and forth and found myself heading straight into oncoming traffic!
I was left “shaken up” and “praising God” that I wasn’t in hurt any more than I was! I was quite sore, in fact where my seatbelt was I had a pretty good injury from it.
Then shortly after that I had a severe injury to my left foot! Needless to say I have been and still am hobbling around. I have had some time to pray and ponder many things over this last month. It has been a time of Thanksgiving, and a time of prayer, contemplation, and surrender. God has been “shaking me up a bit” during this time. I think God needs to shake me up from time to time, as I am sure he needs to with each of us.
At the beginning of this Scripture, is says that "the Lord finished speaking to Moses.” Don’t you love it that the Lord was speaking to Him! Oh how I love the way the Lord speaks to us! I love it that He cares enough to visit with us, that He trusts us with the particular mission that He gives to each of us (even if He needs to "shake us up" a bit). The more He gives you the more He trusts you! Oh Lord, how I want you to trust me with what you have given me!
During this last month, I have been in such a beautiful time of communion with our Lord, and yet I have also been in a place where He has had to shake me up a bit, spin me around, get me facing some of my fears (the oncoming traffic if you will) and showing me the miracles of Himself. “The finger of the Lord” has been pointing out many things to me. Pointing me in certain directions, directions that I am ready to follow.
I am stepping into a new "chapter" of my life as I leave my beloved job of the last seven years. I have been the Vice President of this wonderful organization, and the last year the Lord has had me in preparation to leave. I gave my formal notice back in May that I would be leaving by December 31st in order to step into the calling of being a Writer, Author, Speaker and Life Coach. I have been coaching for many years now and continue doing so. There is new and exciting news about that and I will be sending out regular communication about that in the coming days and weeks ahead! Look for the news!
Well, that time is upon me and I remain grateful for all of my years there, as I have been give SO much. The Lord has done great things! My five book series entitled “Confessions of a Pastor’s Wife” will be released the 18th of this month! This first book in the series is entitled “He Speaks Can You Hear Him?” And boy does He speak! This book, takes you through my faith journey, I reveal what He says and also how He speaks to us.
Lord I pray that each of us who hear from you recognize the joy and privilege it is to be in communication with you, and the honor it is that you have us do things for you and unto your glory. Lord let us always be faithful in our service to you. Let us always be listening for you, surrendering unto you, and obedient unto you. Thank you for the ride of a lifetime, Thank you for the beautiful people in our lives, Thank you for your grace, your love, your mercy, your trust, and the work you give us to do. Thank you for this advent season to remind us that you are coming, always coming into our hearts! Amen.
Kathryn Bonner
Awakenings Life Coaching (Isaiah 50:4)
1 comment:
Wow Kathryn!
Sounds like God has really been working in you. Congrats on your book and all of the upcoming changes and amazing things He is up to in your life. I will keep you in my prayers.
Love you,
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