I have many God-given dreams and fewer actual dreams that I dream at night.
When I do dream during my sleep most of them are from God and very profound. Well I had one of those very profound dreams Tuesday night, I think it was Wednesday morning, because when I awoke I was just finishing the dream...
Before I share the dream I am going to do a bit of back tracking first.
God seems to drop ONE single word into my Spirit from time to time, and when He does I will type that single word into www.BibleGateway.com and find each and every Scripture verse with that word in it and do my own personal study. I print out the pages with all of the Scriptures on them, then proceed to study them each day, writing out the verse in my journal, then writing beneath the Scripture what God is speaking to me, teaching me and what is applicable to me. One of the words that I have done a study on is the word DOOR(S)... I loved doing this study!
There is one Scripture that I want to share with you here, now. It is
"because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me." 1 Corinthians 16:9
OK, so God continues for each of us to Open these amazing doors, doors for us to choose to walk through or not. Should we choose to walk through them we have this journey that we are about to embark upon, not fully knowing where we are being led, but just compelled to say YES. In so doing, this door that we step though leads us onward to do EFFECTIVE work and it's also a GREAT door! So we are about to walk into something bigger than ourselves and it can be scary, because in the very same sentence just behind the comma we are told that there is opposition. So... should we at that point choose the Holy and Sacred doorway or should we choose to play it safe and stay behind?
Well, I feel like our forefathers and mothers have left each of us something in their absence, something really wonderful, therefore I want to do the same. Not really for myself and yet it is for myself... I just know that I want to benefit and give life and share what it is to be a Spiritwalker and HOW to be a Spiritwalker... My heart beats so big for this, for everyone to understand how to do so. All the while getting better at it myself. This is so much the reason that I am called to do this radio show that is up and coming. I feel so honored and so blessed with this privilege, words cannot begin to express. Though there is certainly opposition with the economy being the way that it is right now.
OK, Now onto my Dream Wednesday morning...
I dreamt that me and all of my WPPI (Women of Passionate Purpose International) sisters were on a team retreat in this beautiful and amazing house. We were singing and dancing our praises to God with our arms lifted up unto our King. We were enjoying the time of praise and it was a holy and sacred time that lasted for a long while. At the end of our praise session, we were proceeding on into our meeting and planning things out for the next coming two years. Then it came time for lunch, so we decided to walk to the different local fast food restaurants, grab what we wanted and come back with our food so that we could all eat together. Then after eating we were going to get new updated photos for our website and shoot some videos. So we all went our separate ways to grab our lunches. I decided to go across the street. I was walking and it was a very bright and sunny day and I was wearing a visor. As I walked and made my way all of the sudden the skies became very very dark and gray and then it began to pour down rain. The winds were blowing ferociously, so much so that it was hard to walk. I began to cry. (The symbolism of opposition that is here for us in our lives especially when we have been given EFFECTIVE work to be done by God) Then somehow I was walking with a walker. I know that this was symbolic of God providing me my help when I was feeling so alone and feeble during the storm in my life. I then looked back at the house thinking it would be easier to just turn and go back. Then I looked forward to where my food supply was. (I recognize this being symbolic of needing my Spiritual nourishment from God). I chose to press onward. I kept walking even though feeling very feeble. I got to my destination, and there was no way to enter into the building as they only had a window that I could walk up to to place my order. As I came to the window, she opened it up and as she did she opened the windows of heaven to me! Then sitting next to the window on the outside of the building was a Police Officer. He was smiling and appeared to be absolutely radiant. His smile caused me to smile even through my tears. He was symbolic of God going before me, watching me press on, stepping through the door, pressing on... trusting and not quitting. He then spoke to me and told me that He would always be going ahead of me, calling me onward, praising me and my efforts. He told me that I need to learn to walk, learn to get steadier on my feet, to choose to walk onward, even through the storms and the fear. Onward is where my God-given dreams and destiny are, and yes there will be storms and raging winds, but nothing we can't handle together. He told me that we could put my walker in His car and that He would give me a ride back home. So he did, and then told me that He'd hang onto the walker, and when I felt feeble again, he'd provide it for me again at just the right time, and to remember that He'd be calling me forth and helping me. That He's sees me at all times and loves me.
I was so grateful for His dream, because on Thursday I woke up with my eyes swollen shut from allergies and I began to cry. I didn't want to go on all of my appointments for the sponsorship of the radio show looking so badly. Bruce was so encouraging me and asked me poignant questions about what REALLY mattered to me. I was experiencing outside opposition, along with my own internal opposition with the negative self talk that we all can fall prey to. I got up and got ready for my day, God provided me with my walker and my Police Office and so much more that day because I didn't look back, I looked onward and pressed on to the call and boy was I blessed! In the appointments that I had Wed, Thurs, and Friday each person I met with was absolutely God-ordained! God is The Great Provider, The Great Door Opener!
Step through the God-Given Doors of your Dreams! Even when you face some of the storms of life it is worth it, it really is!
Spiritwalking, Dreaming & Doors,