SEPTEMBER 21ST - 25TH, 2009
Oh... ladies!!! Here we go! We are beginning an unforgettable Writers' Retreat together. Each of us will all be woven together forever more as sisters who are on the writers path together. Can you believe it?
Each on the verge of writing... some for the first time, some who have done so for years...
Writing books and plays and devotions and life stories all divulging pieces of our own journey and heart, all for the glory of God. Can you feel it? Can you feel the blowing breezes of the Holy Spirit, the excitement that we all have? Many of you are coming with the ability to finally admit that you have a book or song (or something) within you that it ready to be born. Ready to speak your truth, to be vulnerable as you share the things that God has beckoned you to. You will be a jeweler or words, string each shiny word together, creating something of incredible worth page after page.
We are just a few short weeks away from our writing retreat! Marykay and I have truly enjoyed putting this retreat together for you. We have been in daily prayer for each of you as you prepare and process what you are embarking upon. Please keep both of us in your daily prayers as well.
Here in Austin we have had record high temps that have left many of us parched and thirsty for places just like Pennsylvania! There will be several Texas gals coming who I know will welcome this wonderful reprieve from the heat...
I can see many of you in my mind clicking away at your computers after reading this newsletter booking the best flight for your arrival! I see the cracks of smiles in your faces as you think about the getaway, as you contemplate the beautiful women (from many parts of the US and one all the way from Canada) that you are on the verge of meeting... coupled with a bit of stress knowing that you still have things to do in order to leave. BUT the ability to have these days of pure bliss... writing, worshipping, wondering... mmmmm... mmmmm... soaking it all in is what propels you onward. Ahh... to write and dream and listen to the Holy Spirit's leading.
I can't wait to see each of your faces and I can't wait to hear about all that the Lord propels you to write!
We only have three slots left, so be sure to let your girl friends know if they want to join you. Have them go to the website at www.WomenOfPassionatePurpose.com to register and pay.
Writing & Worshipping,