Monday, February 16, 2009


I subscribe to the daily word from this dictionary reference. Those of you that know me, know that I am one who loves words! I love the meaning that ONE simple word can hold within a few letters. I find it fascinating and valuable. I love the power of the spoken word in each of our lives, how we are able to build one another up with our words and the beauty that comes along with that.

God created our Spirit’s within to be moved to a deeper level of intimacy and to be emotionally touched by them. He created the earth and all that is in it and the galaxies with a spoken Word!

Today’s daily word is “INTERMINABLE” pronounced “in-TUR-muh-nuh-buhl “ It means this: “So long as to seem endless; never stopping”

As I began to contemplate this word, I thought about God’s forgiveness is for us, how His peace is for us, His love, His way of blessing us is "interminable!" Thank you God for your endlessness, for loving us endlessly! Ummmmm.... ummmmm soak this in, bathe in it... for it is a gift that is truly endless.

Each and every day we rise with a gorgeous sunrise and each and everyday we witness His magnificent sunsets. This is something that our Lord has done each and every day of our waking and sleeping, it’s endless, never stopping!

Meditate on this Scripture passage:
"But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ This is the unending life, the real life!" Jude 1:20

Behold the meaning of this Scripture, read it over and over and over. What does the Lord reveal to you about Himself? Praise Him for it...


  1. What can you do for the Lord that is interminable?
  2. What might you do for the greater good that is interminable?
  3. What might you do for the building up of another?
  4. How often do you find yourself praying in the Holy Spirit?
  5. Think about what it is for you to "stay right in the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched" ... Wow!
  6. What do you need to change in order to live into Jude 1:20?

In Christ's unending love,


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Body Temple

Each of us has been given a Body Temple in which we house our Holy Spirit. Some bodies short, some tall, some round, some boxy... no matter, let us be clean vessels, healthy and holy to be used by our Lord for the work in which He calls... The Lord has given me these verses today as I have prayed for His revelation in regard to my Body Temple, and He as impressed it upon me to share with you... (Please know that this was just as much for me, if not more-- as it is for you)... The Scripture is in black and I have written in blue, what our LORD has revealed to me through the reading of His Word...
At the end you will find a list of coaching questions...

From Psalm 119:33-40
Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes
, God, thank you that you want me to learn, LORD let me always have a keen desire to soak in your teachings, let me have a hunger and a thirst for those things and keep me from my own fleshly hungers, my own edicts, and solidly stand in Yours. And I shall keep it to the end. Let me start and finish each day with Your will and Your Word for me this day, and every day. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law; Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Cause me not to rationalize with my understanding but with Your law, grant me the reasoning for it, so that I no longer desire my own will but Yours. Let my heart fall in love with Your ways, knowing that You always know what is better for me than I ever could. Let me never lean on my own understanding but in Yours as you make it known to me through Your Word and Your Holy Spirit that is living in me. Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in it. Oh Lord, MAKE ME walk with You even when I find myself wanting to walk my own path, draw me back unto Your path! Lord let me truly find your commandments not to be a harsh thought, as the word commandment seems so strong, it causes me to want to run from it! Stop me LORD from running away and getting lost on my path, but call me, let me follow Your path, with sheer joy as I trust and know that Your path is the path of restoration, wholeness and resurrection! Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to covetousness. Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, You Lord cause my heart to beat for the things that your heart beats for! Keep me from the want of things that You do not want for my Body Temple which houses the Holy Spirit! Literally, turn my vision and longing away from those foods that are not of You. In fact they are worthless, so why would I ever want to put anything in my mouth that holds no worth? and revive me in Your way. Bring to me a resurrected life in which I only live the way you would have me! Bring me the rival, the new breath of your Holy Spirit which leads me to truth, joy, fulfillment and health! Establish Your word to Your servant, who is devoted to fearing You. Launch me each and every morning into Your Word, causing me to be Yours, fully faithful and committed to respecting Your healthy ideals for me. Turn away my reproach which I dread, Let me never make excuses or try to justify my own cravings which in the end I feel guilty about and ultimately worse for not following what you have guided me to do for Your judgments are good. You cannot, nor would you ever direct me to anything except for what is first-class and holy. Behold, I long for Your precepts; Craving Your Word, Your teachings, your guidelines now I surrender those things in which You have asked me to, take them from me Lord revive me in Your righteousness Oh what freedom I find here with you! The revival has begun, your care and love for me have strengthened me to keep My Body- Your Temple as a Holy dwelling place for You to reside, and to grow in strength so that I might serve you even better!

Coaches Call To Action:
  1. What are the statutes that the Lord longs for you to grasp regarding your Body Temple?
  2. Have you been turning your eyes toward worthless things or from worthless things?
  3. What might you begin doing to make your Body Temple more holy for the housing of the Holy Spirit within you?
  4. What do you know to be true for you in this passage?

Life Purpose Coaching with Kathryn Bonner

This is the blog of Kathryn Bonner - Speaker/

Success Coach/Author of "Confessions of a Pastor's Wife" & the CD of "In The Potter's Hands" a guided Biblical Meditation. and