What are the God-given doorways in your life?
Proverbs 8:34
Have you ever given much thought to the doors that the Lord might be opening in your life? Especially when you wait on Him to call you, then as you truly listen to Him and proceed to take the courage to actually obey what He asks of you? Then the LORD God Himself actually escorts you as you take the steps! If you commence to walking with Him you will be astonished with the incredible journey He will take you on! For me it has been truly grand!
As I become more and more obedient to Him, to His direction, the blessings just keep coming my way! I have been so busy these last few months experiencing the many doors he has opened unto me! I have been astounded by His abundance and blessing upon my life. My coaching practice, my writing, my Holy Spirit directed connections, the new women He has placed in my life and all that we are up to together is Huge!
He has so much to bestow unto those of us who seek Him and seek His will. What perspective do you take as you begin to view the Heavenly Doors? Have you ever really thought about doors and passageways as heavenly? Do you choose to stay in the room with your ears plugged and the doors shut tightly all around you in order not to venture out? Does that idea feel safer to you so that you do not have to take any risks? What would it be like for you if you were to view the word risk and shift the perspective of it? Shift the viewpoint of risk to faith, faithfully seeing a door as a heavenly opening? What doors are you keeping tightly shut that you know you should to be opening? What might be on the other side of the door should you open it?
In the verse above you see that as you listen to the calling of the LORD you will be blessed! I am so amazed at the way He calls us forth to do His work! Until the end of time we must be listening to Him, listening to His voice, His Words of wisdom, His Words of direction, His Words of love. His true desire is to bless us, not to cause us to fear Him or His calling on our lives.
I love the second part of this passage as we are instructed to watch daily at His doors. Not just every now and then, or once a month when we think about it, but every single day we are to be watching daily at HIS doors, waiting for Him to bless us! The thought of this is beautiful to me as I begin to become more and more aware of the doors that He is guiding me to walk through each and every day!
Picture the glow peeking through, radiating from underneath the door, beckoning you to come… to draw closer closer to the door. Laying on your tummy with your face up close to the door, you begin to peer through the opening seeing the lights luminosity and your nostrils take in the smells of fresh air, smelling the sweet fragrance of a magnolia tree! The scent fills you with warmth and hope for the day!
You begin to rise, placing your hand upon the old antique door knob which juts out from the old wooden hewn door - leading to the heavenly places of God, as He calls you forth; you go… you go…
You journey on with expectancy from Him who leads…
On the amazing journey with you,
Kathryn Bonner is an Author/Speaker/Certified Life Purpose Coach.
Ask Kathryn about having your LIFE PLAN done, a 2 day one-on-one Life-Purpose Planning Retreat for women. This is all about you and God… Asking questions that unlock your story and lead you into a discovery of God-given purpose which will empower you for the rest of your life! We are solely focused to the AWAKENING of the new and improved way you go through life. This Life Plan for you, for your future includes writing out your own personal Mission Statement, and creating a Vision Board, reviewing the Defining Moments of your life. You will truly enjoy this 2 day retreat because it will literally be life changing as we journey, step by step through your life together! This is all about you and what God plans for you, His purpose for you! We will create steps to enhance and accelerate the process of bringing joy and balance to your life, as well as deeper meaning, focus, harmony, understanding to relationships, insights to transitions, depth to your Christian walk, growth in personal and professional living, as well as clarity of your values.