I've been up since about 3:00am this morning, unable to sleep, I am thinking of dear sweet Joanne who is about to transition from this life on earth, to the next life in heaven. My husband Bruce and I were over at George and Joanne's until about 9:00pm last night. I've had her in my prayers, and the whole family, her kids, and grandkids were there and able to say their good-byes, so did I. I told her of how much I loved her. She has been a gift to me. I will miss her greatly.
The last post I wrote was talking about going on a God hunt. Boy, it's been a long hunt. I love the way blogging can really show us where we are, and where we have been on our journey. Sometimes I visit other blogs and am always inspired by the way they seem to be always consistant with the "every Monday Musing" or the every "Works for me Wednesday" postings. Sometimes I think maybe the consistancy can be truly boring, too predictable, if you will... I then think to myself, "Kathryn, why don't you write every Monday or Wednesday? Have a committed time frame to blog each week, that kind of dedication is good! Then I remind myself that "Kathryn, remember you are a busy author, writer, Life Coach, AND the wife of a pastor and things come up that can not be predicted..." Of course I could argue both points and be very persuasive in each debate because I believe both to be true... I digress though because that is not the topic of my writing for today...
Anyway, my God hunt has taken me many places over the course of months. I'll just share with you a few of my journeys that our Lord has taken me on, some have been exhilerating and some have been emotionally exhausting. (Remember I am a pastor's wife :)
The Lord has been doing another new work in me while on my latest "God hunt" over these last few months. Sometimes we think we have learned things well, and then something comes up to remind you that you still need God! Ha! How soon we forget of our dependancy upon Him, even though we talk about it all of the time, even though He instructs us to keep our eyes on Him at all times, even though His Word teaches us about where to place our faith, we can forget.
I have been doing some of the most lovely work over the last few months, which has connected me even closer to my Lord, My King. All praise to Him who loves us even when we are unworthy. My Lord has had me doing some incredible training to facilitate Life Plans! I have been doing Life Plans for the most wonderful women! I have completed my training and now have my certification to do Life Purpose Plans for women. It's a 2 day, One-on-One retreat, where together we go through your entire life. We assess your spiritual gifts, go through your Wheel of Life (which covers all of the areas of your life such as health, romance, career, calling, relationships, finacial health, etc...) and we discover your passions and purpose. We go through an amazing powerful surrender excercise, then begin the process of setting goals and plans in place for you to begin accomplishing your God-given dreams!
As we go through your life, we each always stand amazed at what the Lord reveals during our two days together. The process is absolutely beautiful, absolutely transformational, especially when we take the time to look at what we have been through over the course of years in our lives. Some of the places in our journey that we experienced the harshest, dryest desert times prove to have had some beautiful learning, and lovely leaning upon our Lord. Those places we have journeyed in the past have meaning and purpose for our futures. As we look beyond ourselves, we are able to see the ministry that our Lord is calling us to.
We must remember through the course of our lives that we ALWAYS stand in a place of CHOICE. Freedoms to choose to look for the silver lining, look for GOD, to stand in a place of totally trusting God in the midst of fear or pain. Choosing to love, even when someone might not be making the same choice, choosing to forgive even when it seems impossible... we always can choose Christ,
*** Shift in my writing**** It's 5:30 am and I just hung up the phone, I just got the call from dear sweet George Tomin, and his dear sweet wife Joanne joined our Lord, around 3:00 am this morning. (Just about the time I was awakened and thinking of her:) I love you Joanne. George and all of us will miss you greatly, we will see you again... love, love, love you!
I will write again later about Life Purpose Plans and post some lovely pictures indicating the true beauty of the process.... I must go and wake Bruce so that he can call George back...
Choose love, choose love every time, I am.
The last post I wrote was talking about going on a God hunt. Boy, it's been a long hunt. I love the way blogging can really show us where we are, and where we have been on our journey. Sometimes I visit other blogs and am always inspired by the way they seem to be always consistant with the "every Monday Musing" or the every "Works for me Wednesday" postings. Sometimes I think maybe the consistancy can be truly boring, too predictable, if you will... I then think to myself, "Kathryn, why don't you write every Monday or Wednesday? Have a committed time frame to blog each week, that kind of dedication is good! Then I remind myself that "Kathryn, remember you are a busy author, writer, Life Coach, AND the wife of a pastor and things come up that can not be predicted..." Of course I could argue both points and be very persuasive in each debate because I believe both to be true... I digress though because that is not the topic of my writing for today...
Anyway, my God hunt has taken me many places over the course of months. I'll just share with you a few of my journeys that our Lord has taken me on, some have been exhilerating and some have been emotionally exhausting. (Remember I am a pastor's wife :)
The Lord has been doing another new work in me while on my latest "God hunt" over these last few months. Sometimes we think we have learned things well, and then something comes up to remind you that you still need God! Ha! How soon we forget of our dependancy upon Him, even though we talk about it all of the time, even though He instructs us to keep our eyes on Him at all times, even though His Word teaches us about where to place our faith, we can forget.
I have been doing some of the most lovely work over the last few months, which has connected me even closer to my Lord, My King. All praise to Him who loves us even when we are unworthy. My Lord has had me doing some incredible training to facilitate Life Plans! I have been doing Life Plans for the most wonderful women! I have completed my training and now have my certification to do Life Purpose Plans for women. It's a 2 day, One-on-One retreat, where together we go through your entire life. We assess your spiritual gifts, go through your Wheel of Life (which covers all of the areas of your life such as health, romance, career, calling, relationships, finacial health, etc...) and we discover your passions and purpose. We go through an amazing powerful surrender excercise, then begin the process of setting goals and plans in place for you to begin accomplishing your God-given dreams!
As we go through your life, we each always stand amazed at what the Lord reveals during our two days together. The process is absolutely beautiful, absolutely transformational, especially when we take the time to look at what we have been through over the course of years in our lives. Some of the places in our journey that we experienced the harshest, dryest desert times prove to have had some beautiful learning, and lovely leaning upon our Lord. Those places we have journeyed in the past have meaning and purpose for our futures. As we look beyond ourselves, we are able to see the ministry that our Lord is calling us to.
We must remember through the course of our lives that we ALWAYS stand in a place of CHOICE. Freedoms to choose to look for the silver lining, look for GOD, to stand in a place of totally trusting God in the midst of fear or pain. Choosing to love, even when someone might not be making the same choice, choosing to forgive even when it seems impossible... we always can choose Christ,
*** Shift in my writing**** It's 5:30 am and I just hung up the phone, I just got the call from dear sweet George Tomin, and his dear sweet wife Joanne joined our Lord, around 3:00 am this morning. (Just about the time I was awakened and thinking of her:) I love you Joanne. George and all of us will miss you greatly, we will see you again... love, love, love you!
I will write again later about Life Purpose Plans and post some lovely pictures indicating the true beauty of the process.... I must go and wake Bruce so that he can call George back...
Choose love, choose love every time, I am.